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Daily Meditation: Friday, May 7, 2010

Nourishment - for all the creatures in the universe

Human beings need physical, substantial nourishment to keep them alive. But in the invisible world, there are creatures that live only on fragrance, colour and sound. Many people will no doubt find it difficult to accept that beyond the mineral, vegetable, animal and human realms there are regions inhabited by beings their eyes cannot see, different from anything they can know. But actually the whole universe is full of the most extraordinary creatures, which beings with highly developed psychic abilities have been able to encounter, and these creatures really do feed on light, colour, fragrance and sound. For us humans, light, colour, sound and fragrances cannot be considered as really substantial foods. But for these entities, formed as they are of very subtle matter, they represent not only forces and powers but also food.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
