'Pessimism' (6)
Daily meditationsThere is a lot more to the subject of optimism and pessimism than people generally think. Only those who seek spiritual riches can be truly optimistic, whereas those who focus on material riches, even if they are at first full of hope, will sooner ...
Daily meditationsPessimists often see themselves as great philosophers, great sages, and it is extraordinary how they also manage to persuade others of this. In reality they are very ambitious people who wish for impossible things and, being unable to achieve them, ...
Daily meditationsOptimism and pessimism should not be thought of as a simple question of temperament – they imply two philosophies of life. Only someone who is seeking spiritual acquisitions can be truly optimistic, whereas someone who focuses on material ...
Daily meditationsWhere does pessimism in humans come from? Of course, some will claim it comes from their insightfulness – how can you not be pessimistic when you see how the world is? But not at all; it stems from the immoderate desires and ambitions they were ...
Daily meditationsThere is a lot more to the subject of optimism and pessimism than people generally think. Only those who seek spiritual riches can be truly optimistic, whereas those who focus on material riches and are at first full of hope will sooner or later ...
Daily meditationsPessimism is generally considered to be a form of lucidity and wisdom. Are we not surrounded by danger? Nature and humans too, pose a permanent threat, and everything will end badly; we must, therefore, be wary and take precautions. The pessimist ...