'Power' (30)
Daily meditations...You need not worry about whether your thoughts and desires will be realized; sooner or later, they will be. The only thing you need to worry about is whether these thoughts* and desires are good or bad, because if they are bad, you will be the ...
Daily meditationsThe will can be strengthened only by means of exercise, and the teaching of the Universal White Brotherhood offers you a great many of them. If you never do any exercises, you will never develop your will. People can give you knowledge, emotions and ...
Daily meditationsBoth within and without, human beings are constantly involved in the battle between the principle of life and the principle of death. These two opposing powers are constantly confronting each other and it is always the weakness of one that makes the ...
Daily meditationsBy creating humans in his image, God made them as powerful as he is. Then why do humans behave as if they were so weak? Because they do not know where their strength lies. And it lies not in being capable of making demands, of asserting themselves, ...
Daily meditationsA friend told me that one day when he was feeling in despair, he went walking in the countryside. At one point he sat down on a rock, and there in a tiny crack he saw a few blades of grass. He looked at them for a long time, wondering how they had ...
Daily meditations...fall apart.
Anyone who wants to go forward in life confidently and safely must ensure that their thoughts, feelings and actions are subject to the laws of honesty, integrity and impartiality. As soon as any one of these laws is broken, they los...
Daily meditationsThe power of human beings lies in making continual small efforts every day. Unfortunately, this is where they often give in. From time to time they are able to surpass themselves and achieve something great. But to conquer inertia and laziness every ...
Daily the means to triumph over your lower nature. From the perspective of Initiatic Science, those thoughts, feelings and actions which are not inspired by our higher nature, which do not receive the imprint of the soul and the spirit, lead to de...
Daily meditationsIt is recounted in the Acts of the Apostles that a certain Simon, called ‘the magician', amazed to see the apostles Peter and John bring the Holy Spirit down into people by placing their hands on them, offered them money in exchange for this power. ...
Daily meditationsAt the present time, when occult sciences are in fashion, many books on tantrism are coming onto the market, but they offer methods that are dangerous for a public that has no previous understanding and is not ready to apply them. There is real ...
Daily meditationsHumans, who are created in God's image, are as powerful as God. Then why do they behave as if they were so weak? Because they do not know where their strength lies. And it lies not in being capable of making demands, of asserting themselves, but in ...
Daily meditationsInitiates must never use their powers against others, even if they are unfairly attacked. They must only use them to become increasingly invulnerable to accusations and attacks, so as to not be defeated and to turn the stones thrown at them into ...
Daily meditationsGood and evil are two forces active in the universe. These two forces are placed under the authority of God, the supreme Being. This idea is present in the sephirotic tree: there is the right-hand pillar of mercy and the left-hand pillar of ...
Daily meditationsWhy is it that so many people suffer from psychic imbalances? Because they have overdeveloped their feminine side, which is passive and receptive. This has laid them open indiscriminately to all influences, and after a while they don't know where ...
Daily meditationsYou recite, ‘Lord, I love your wisdom, I have faith in your love, I trust in your power', but have you really looked into the meaning of this prayer? When you say to the Lord, ‘I love your wisdom', your love meets God's wisdom, and you attract it to ...
Daily meditationsIn the Bible, God is often called the Most High, because power is inseparable from the idea of height, of a high point. It is easier to conquer an enemy if you can place yourself above them. In everyday life, those who are on top of the situation ...
Daily meditationsPlato, in his dialogue entitled Symposium, recalls the myth of the original androgyne. In very early times, there would have been human creatures living on the earth which were both male and female: they were spherical in shape and had two faces, ...
Daily meditationsThe seraphim, cherubim and thrones belong to the triad of Kether, Chokmah and Binah. They are, therefore, in direct contact with God himself. The seraphim are the spirits of his love, the cherubim the spirits of his wisdom and the thrones the ...
Daily meditationsJustice is not a virtue humans practise spontaneously, which is why when Moses emphasized this virtue he greatly served their progress. Later, Jesus came to teach them love and forgiveness. But should it stop there? No, there is still a further ...
Daily meditations...r gestures, your words and your entire being. If you have not learned self-mastery, your chaotic thoughts and desires will continue to take hold of you and will gradually destroy your good work.
In order to obtain lasting results, you must work...
Daily meditationsLife is full of difficulties and pitfalls, but we must never forget that heaven sent us to earth neither helpless nor unarmed. On the contrary, it has given us the means to cope with every situation. Just as we arrived on earth perfectly equipped to ...
Daily meditationsSo many disciples wait for their Master to reveal what they must do to become clairvoyants, alchemists, cabbalists, mages, and so on. They don't realize that this kind of desire is of no real use to them and can even be harmful for them. Acquiring ...
Daily meditationsOur teaching presents you with exercises for every moment of the day. Obviously, you cannot do them all, but pick at least a few and practice them every day. These exercises will bring many improvements to your life, but most importantly, they will ...
Daily meditations... expressions of psychic life. This work of transformation therefore begins with the mastery of thoughts, feelings and desires....
Daily meditationsMedicinal herbs need water to release all their healing properties. You boil, soak or steep the herbs in water, which you then drink. You do not eat the plants themselves; it is enough to drink the water in which they have been soaked, for the water ...
Daily meditationsMany so-called spiritual people care only about their own interest, not what is in the interest of the universal collectivity! They have not yet understood that everything they do that is not in tune with the universal order, not only wreaks havoc, ...
Daily meditationsWhen material conditions are ideal, our will does not have much opportunity to exert itself. It is when things are difficult and we are in need that we are obliged to exercise our will. All those who have stood out by reason of their exceptional ...
Daily meditationsHuman beings have a tendency to want to obtain everything without being prepared, and this tendency is the cause of many anomalies and catastrophes in the world. Spiritual people are no exception to the rule. They want to begin with what should come ...
Daily meditationsIf you cannot resist the inner impulses that torment you, it is because you have not developed enough love for the higher world of beauty, order and light. Your own willpower is not enough; we need the protection and help of heaven in order to ...
Daily meditationsIn the dialogue ‘Symposium', Plato recounts the myth of the primitive androgyne. In days long gone by, human creatures were said to have lived on earth who were both male and female: they were spherical in shape and had two faces, four arms, four ...