'Evil' (56)
Daily meditationsJust as the Spirit needs matter in order to create, so good needs evil in order to manifest itself; otherwise, without anything to stimulate it, good remains dormant. Evil arouses good, and good then projects itself onto the matter of evil, as if ...
Daily meditationsEven if human beings object to evil and desire good, they are far more convinced of the power of evil than of good. Experience has shown them, they say, that those who want to destroy others and create disorder succeed more readily and more quickly ...
Daily meditationsFaced with the misfortunes humanity is suffering, people everywhere are complaining that the world is in a terrible state. They talk, they criticise, they protest and become irritated; and while they are preoccupied with their arguments, complaints, ...
Daily we do to improve the situation, we'll never succeed.' By their attachment to such negative thoughts they are constantly inviting them to their table, ‘Come, come, there is plenty of food here for you.' Well, this is a very dangerous attitud...
Daily meditationsWhat is harmful for some can be harmless or even beneficial for others. Some creatures are so familiar with fire that they are not burned. Snake venom is deadly for human beings, while on certain animals it has no effect. Put still more simply, some ...
Daily meditationsLife is based on the notion of opposites, in other words on the principle of polarity; of active and passive, masculine and feminine, emissive and receptive, good and evil. This opposition is really just a complementarity, and is what creates ...
Daily meditationsHuman beings exist at the boundary between the higher and lower worlds. The Christian religion has expressed this idea through the image of a guardian angel standing to their right and of the devil standing to their left. The angel advises and ...
Daily meditationsMuch of the suffering human beings have to endure comes, of course, from outside themselves. And yet, the suffering inflicted on them for which they are not directly responsible is, all the same, partly their responsibility: they have not learned ...
Daily meditationsOne thing believers have difficulty in accepting is that God, who is all-powerful, doesn't finally decide to annihilate the evil spirits that come to tempt them. But what they do not know is that these spirits also have the right to live. God will ...
Daily meditationsBoth good and evil exist. And because evil exists, it means it has a role to play in the great cosmic body of the universe. As humans, we don't know why it exists. We can only observe that a higher intelligence makes use of evil by incorporating it ...
Daily meditations...nor evil-minded; many sincerely wish to be useful to others and are even able to be so. But good thoughts and intentions are not enough for truly doing good. Those who want to help others must begin by studying themselves and trying to get rid ...
Daily meditationsIt is difficult to express an opinion categorically on either good or evil. Why? Because nothing on earth is either completely good or completely bad. There are drawbacks to even the best things. How can we not be delighted at the arrival of spring? ...
Daily meditationsSo often, when people no longer have so much energy to continue running after glory, power or pleasures, they decide it is time to settle down, or even to think about heaven and to place themselves in its service. But what can they be thinking? When ...
Daily meditationsAt the pinnacle of creation, God, the supreme Being, uses the two currents of opposite nature we call good and evil, maintaining a balance between them. And in their much more limited sphere, humans must strive to do the same, constantly adjusting ...
Daily give them more power. When you feel them approaching in the form of temptations or negative thoughts or feelings, do not rise to them. Tell them you are delighted to meet them, and welcome them with the light from all your inner lamps, and t...
Daily meditationsWe are not particularly well equipped to protect ourselves from evil, whereas evil is well armed. It possesses an amazing arsenal, before which we are impotent. And so, in such an unequal struggle we need to ask the Lord to become our ally. What ...
Daily meditationsLight and dark, good and evil… Humans are continually subjected to this duality. So, whatever you do, know there is always one force pushing you one way and another on the lookout, scheming to pull you the other way. When you do something good, it ...
Daily meditationsIt is a mistake to consider good and evil as two independent forces forever in conflict. The reality is that good and evil are two currents connected to a higher authority – God. The problem of good and evil will never be solved on the physical ...
Daily meditationsWe automatically associate good with God. It isn't like that; good, like evil, is only a servant of God. God is not what is good; he is infinitely more than that. So stop wondering why he allows evil to exist. God allows everything, and that is ...
Daily meditationsOn earth good needs evil. Yes, in order to manifest, good needs evil; otherwise, it goes to sleep, because there is no longer anything there to stimulate it. Evil excites good, stimulates good, and then good acts. It is thanks to evil that good is ...
Daily meditationsMost people are neither bad nor ill-intentioned; many even sincerely wish to be useful to others. But good feelings and good intentions are not enough when it comes to really doing good. Those who want to help others must begin by ridding themselves ...
Daily meditationsSo many theologians have distorted the image of the Creator and Master of the universe by making the devil into God's implacable enemy! An entity that is so well able to stand up to God has to be as powerful as he is, if not more powerful. You will ...
Daily meditationsIn the Bible, the serpent symbolizes evil, but according to cabbalists it can only reach certain sephiroth; beyond that, the highest region, formed of the three sephiroth Kether, Chokmah and Binah, is forbidden to it. What conclusion, then, can we ...
Daily meditationsWhen the elements are raging outside, you don't go out to do battle with them. And in anticipation of winter you know that there is only one thing to do: take care of your house, that is to say, fill in the cracks, replace broken tiles, put in good ...
Daily meditations...e in spite of everything.
You will say, 'But I feel certain people are constantly projecting bad thoughts onto me.' Well, those bad thoughts will come back to them in the end, for what they are doing exposes them to the law of backlash. Evil ca...
Daily meditationsGood and evil - a difficult subject on which to reach conclusions, because, on earth, more often than not, nothing is either wholly good or wholly bad; even the best things come with certain disadvantages. Let's just take the arrival of spring. From ...
Daily meditationsThe human being can do little to oppose the forces of evil when they begin to manifest within him. He possesses neither the knowledge nor the capabilities necessary to conquer them. The best solution, then, is to allow good and evil to co-exist, and ...
Daily meditationsWhat is evil for some can be harmless or even good for others. Since some people live in the fire without being burned, fire is not something evil for them. Snake venom is deadly for human beings, while on certain animals it has no effect. Put still ...
Daily meditationsEven if human beings object to evil and desire good, they are far more convinced of the power of evil than of good. Experience has shown them, they say, that those who want to destroy others and create disorder succeed more readily and more quickly ...
Daily meditationsIf we live in the sun, we will never experience darkness. But, symbolically, we left the sun and descended to earth and, because the earth turns around the sun, we are alternately in shadow and in light. As long as we remain outside the sun, we must ...
Daily meditationsIf you truly want to take up the path of good you must be aware that you will not be able to escape attack from evil. Because evil is what it is, it will continue to see you as its enemy and you will not convince it to change its nature – whatever ...
Daily meditationsContinually asking questions about the existence of evil only saps your strength, and any attempt to suppress evil is an exercise doomed to failure. What do we do in winter against the rain and snow, against storms and the cold? Do we go outside and ...
Daily meditationsThe subject of evil is beyond human comprehension, and this is why it cannot be resolved through reasoning. In fact, evil does not really exist and is only dreadful for the weak and the ignorant; they have not learned to dominate it in order to put ...
Daily meditationsHow is it that so-called monotheistic religions have theories that refute the very basis of their belief? They say that God has an enemy, the Devil, who is just as powerful as he. As if God were not the sole master! What kind of religion has a God ...
Daily meditationsWhether regarding events or human behaviour, it is very difficult to separate good from evil, for they are inextricably intertwined: this is a fact we are faced with each and every day.In the Emerald Tablet, Hermes Trismegistus said, 'You shall ...
Daily meditationsWhen you look at what goes on in the world – all the chaos, injustice, misery and misfortune – you have to admit there is nothing very good or beautiful about it. To the cosmic Spirit, however, there is no ugliness or evil. To the cosmic Spirit the ...
Daily we call the devil, and this collective force is nourished and reinforced by people's negative thoughts, feelings and actions.
We can also say that the devil is a part of human beings themselves: their lower self that they have continuously f...
Daily meditationsSo many people of faith beg the Lord to do away with evil spirits. But the Lord does not grant them their wish, because evil spirits are doing their job, they are authorized to tempt and mistreat them. It is up to the faithful to become more ...
Daily meditationsHumans are always ready to fight evil. Certainly, their intentions are good, but they will never succeed in conquering it, in society or in other people. And they will not conquer it in themselves either. You may say, ‘But what must we do, then?' ...
Daily meditationsGood and evil are harnessed together to keep the wheel of life turning. If only good existed, the wheel would not turn. Yes, good is incapable of doing the job without a helping hand from evil. You might object that evil pulls in the opposite ...
Daily meditationsIt is said in Initiatic science that anyone who has not been the target of evil's utmost hatred cannot receive the supreme initiation. Yes, you must be hated and opposed by evil and if, despite its attacks, you continue to follow a divine path, this ...
Daily meditationsEvil will not exist forever. It exists as evil only as long as the Lord gives it the right to; but as soon as He orders it to disappear, it will disappear. Good alone is eternal; evil is transient, but we human beings do not have the power to make ...
Daily meditationsWe have been told that we should not struggle against evil, and many people do not understand what this means. It means that we must not confront evil on its own turf, for that is where it is strongest, and we would inevitably be defeated. But if we ...
Daily meditationsIn the Christian tradition, man is said to be accompanied in life by an angel on his right and the devil on his left. The angel gives him good advice and enlightens him, while the devil tries to lead him astray so as to prey on him.One might wonder ...
Daily meditationsHuman beings do not yet possess either the knowledge or the power to conquer evil. The best solution is to let good and evil continue to coexist and to utilize the activities and the extremely potent forces contained in evil; that is to say to take ...
Daily meditationsWhat is bad for some may be good for others. Some beings can live in fire without being burned, so fire is not something bad for them. Poison or the venom of a cobra is deadly for humans, while for some animals it is harmless. Even more simply, take ...
Daily meditationsIt is time the Church stopped talking about the devil as though he were involved in every event and circumstance. Rather than admit that people are turning away from religion because those who represent it are not worthy of their calling, it blames ...
Daily meditationsPerhaps, one day, walking through the countryside you have seen a little girl keeping watch over cows in a field. Beside her sits a loving dog that helps her to herd the cows. Suddenly one of the animals strays into the neighbour's field and the ...
Daily meditationsThe problem of evil cannot be resolved by reason, for it is beyond human understanding. In reality evil does not exist; it exists only for those who are weak and unprepared, who do not know how to use it. But for the children of God, for Initiates ...
Daily meditationsInstead of allowing yourselves to be overcome by evil, endeavour to transform it. And, in order to transform it, you must try to learn the secret of unity. Take the earth as your model: the earth continually produces grass, flowers, trees, ...
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