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Daily Meditation: Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Negative states - method to overcome them

It is never easy to shake off negative moods. Let us suppose that you are assailed by feelings of maliciousness, jealousy and bitterness and, however you try to get rid of them, you do not succeed. What should you do? Begin by calmly watching them, by observing all these negative forces and entities, their manifestations and their tricks. In doing so, you have already set yourself above them, and this is what happens: sensing the presence of someone watching and analysing them, they are uncomfortable, because they do not like being found out. And if, in this moment, you are linked to heaven, it is as if you were projecting a few rays of light on them, and they begin to disperse, because light chases them away. They can return, of course, and they certainly will; but again you will observe them and project a few beams of light on them, until at last you manage to get rid of them forever. Yes, because your position above them will be permanent.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
