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Daily Meditation: Thursday, September 26, 2024

Nature - learn to recognize its etheric body and beyond

We think we know nature but actually, we do not know it. All that we see around us – forests, mountains, rivers and seas – is no more than the outer wrappings, different layers of physical matter; its clothes, if you wish. You must endeavour to look beyond that in order to see and sense the vibrations and emanations of the etheric body of nature. In fact, even the etheric body is a garment. We have to look even further. Only those who are able to divest nature of all its garments can know truth. This is what the disciples were taught in the ancient initiations: to draw aside the veil of Isis.* In the religion of Egypt, the goddess Isis was the wife of the god Osiris. She was the great feminine figure in whom the Initiates saw a symbol of primordial Nature, from which came forth all the beings and all the elements of creation. This Nature, impenetrable to ordinary men and women, is the Initiates’ principal object of study. They want to know it, which is why they strive to understand all the forms of existence to which it has given rise and through which it manifests itself.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
See the book "In Spirit and in Truth", chapter VII

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
