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Daily Meditation: Friday, March 26, 2004

Fast - its benefits

Fasting is a spiritual practice but, because it purifies the body, it also has a beneficial effect on health. When a person habitually eats his fill, the cells of his stomach and all other organs become lazy. Because there is an over-abundance of food, part of it cannot be absorbed, and it stagnates in the tissues where it begins to ferment. During fasting, however, the cells receive only very little food, and they decide to become more economical, wiser and more active in order to cope. Then, fermentation no longer occurs in the organism. Of course, a prolonged fast weakens the organism, but if you know how long to fast, under what conditions, and with what state of consciousness, the benefits for your health are immense.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
