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Daily Meditation: Thursday, January 20, 2005

Efforts - are only justified if supported by a high ideal

Are you wondering what path to follow, what rule of life to accept? Well, this is very simple. If you have no other ambition than to lead an ordinary, mundane existence, you can let yourself go, because it will be useless to make great efforts to master yourself and control your instincts. Such self-control will even be detrimental to your physical and psychic health: you will become insufferable for your family and your entire entourage, you will feel frustrated, and you will become embittered, hard and intolerant. For the demands of a discipline to have their raison d’etre, you must have a very high ideal. You must have the desire to make something great of your life, something beautiful and noble, and each day you must feel the need to add to it a new element of spirituality, of light.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
