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Daily Meditation: Saturday, October 22, 2016

Cells of the body - entities whom we must educate

The cells of our body are small intelligent souls. There is a whole population inside us, a population with which we can communicate and which it is our task to educate. Are you aware of it? No, or very rarely. This is why your cells do not obey you. You would like to improve the state of your liver, your stomach, your heart, your brain and so on, but you can’t – the cells of all those organs do not obey you. You don’t have any authority over them; they have a will of their own. Initiatic Science, which has studied the psychic anatomy of human beings and the rules governing its workings, teaches us that we can give commands to make the cells of our organs obey us. But we have first to accept the idea that they are intelligent, conscious beings and learn to communicate with them through our thoughts by sending them rays of light and love.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
