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Daily Meditation: Friday, November 25, 2005

Start modestly - condition for success

You have work to do, and you wonder if you can manage it. You hesitate a little, then you make up your mind, and finally you succeed: you lift this weight…you move that obstacle. This proves you are capable of such efforts, and in recognizing your possibilities, you feel your force and your faith grow. Faith, then, is linked to the assurance we gain through our triumphs. This law is borne out all the more in the spiritual realm. From one effort to another, all your untried capabilities come out into the light of day and make themselves known. But you must be reasonable and begin modestly by accomplishing small things at first. So many people have been stopped in their evolution because they failed to begin modestly.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
