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'Art' (105)

Daily meditationsWhen people meet artists – painters, poets, musicians – whose works they admire, they are often surprised to discover that the person and their behaviour are completely devoid of the beauty found in their creations: they emanate neither light, nor ...
Daily meditations...e wise will keep these for themselves. They will give away only the fruits, in other words thoughts, feelings, activity and work....
Daily meditationsEach of us possesses a soul, and this soul has needs. If so many human beings are unconscious of these needs, it is because they have stifled them by leading a life without ideals. But these needs are there, and sometimes they manifest in people but ...
Daily meditationsWe must know how to alternately use the faculties of the intellect and the heart, in other words, to balance the cold current, which circulates in the region of wisdom, with the warm current of love. Truth lies within this balance. If love is not ...
Daily meditationsThe earth, our planet, is alive; it breathes, it eats, it is sensitive and it reacts to the activities of humans who inhabit it. But they are not aware of it, and are only focused on exploiting it for their interest. They turn it upside down, ...
Daily meditationsIf so many people cling desperately to this life, it's because they don't know that their life does not end with what we call death. In fact, they will commit any crime to survive. This is how they contract karmic debts they will have to pay in a ...
Daily meditationsGardeners have various types of seed, and when they sow them, they can say with utmost certainty that lettuces will grow here, radishes there, and so on. And this proves to be the case, because it is a matter of knowledge based on study and ...
Daily meditationsAll humans have a vague feeling that somewhere there is a place meant for them, and until they find it they feel anxious, dissatisfied and unhappy. You may say, ‘A place? What kind of place?' When a seed is planted, it germinates, grows and bears ...
Daily meditationsIf humans are not already alive and well nourished, where will their practice of philosophy, science and art take them? In universities and academies, students are certainly given a great deal of knowledge, but they are not nourished. And that's why ...
Daily meditationsAnybody has the right, of course, to claim to be an artist. But the true artists are those who are capable of creating and maintaining an inner connection with the divine world. Whether they are painters, sculptors, architects, dancers, musicians or ...
Daily meditationsSomeone will say, ‘What is the point of making the effort to be honest, good and generous when the law of the jungle reigns everywhere in society just as it does in nature? Why should I be any different?' You hear this reasoning so often! But those ...
Daily meditationsHave you ever thought about the earth's capacity for transforming the waste and even dead bodies it receives from the vegetable, animal and human kingdoms, to produce magnificent trees and flowers, cereal crops and succulent vegetables and fruits? ...
Daily meditationsAll creatures – plants, animals or humans – need to receive the sun's energy in order to live. However, they do not receive this energy directly, but only after it has been absorbed, transformed and redistributed by the earth. From this point of ...
Daily meditationsHumans would like to live on earth as if they were in a holiday resort, but earth is a school (and occasionally even a reformatory!), where they are sent for advanced training courses. So it is not always a pleasant place, and it is not such a great ...
Daily meditationsThe universe we live in is not closed to us. We make all kinds of exchanges with it: physical, psychic and spiritual ones. Either consciously or unconsciously, we vibrate and breathe both with it and in it. But why then do humans so often feel like ...
Daily meditationsIn our solar system the earth and the other planets harmoniously orbit the sun. We must take this image deep into ourselves, as we must reproduce in ourselves the harmonious movement of the planets around the sun, in order for all the particles of ...
Daily meditations...ate the soil often do so with no respect or love, or even in a state of inner rebellion, their thoughts and feelings enter the seeds and poison them. Humanity is endlessly creating unhealthy living conditions for itself out of ignorance. How he...
Daily meditations...ements it possesses, and in return it receives something from them, from their feelings, their thoughts and their aspirations. Because of their psychic, spiritual faculties, human beings belong to a much higher level of evolution than the matte...
Daily meditationsHow many people have allowed themselves to die of sorrow or even committed suicide because of slander, hate mail or poisonous magazine articles! How many artists too, because of negative criticism and mockery! If they succumbed, it is because they ...
Daily meditations...y effort to elevate themselves, gain nothing on the spiritual plane. But if they work with their thoughts and go to the source to find these elements, they will receive ambrosia, the food of the gods....
Daily meditationsAs with all human beings, there is something in you – a space, so to speak – that nothing and no one will ever manage to fill, except the Creator. In this space, which we call the heart, you can let in as many beings and things as you like, but ...
Daily meditationsFrom the point of view of Initiatic Science, a true artist is one who longs for the beauty and harmony of creation to flow and be reflected through them. The true work of creation is therefore spiritual work; a spiritual person, by trying to project ...
Daily meditations...ct, especially on ourselves. If we succeed in creating paradise within ourselves through our thoughts, our feelings and our desires, we will be the first to experience it. And then, little by little, all the beings that come to us will begin to...
Daily meditationsSome people decide, either out of laziness or selfishness, to live alone and without children. Starting a family involves such worries, hard work and sacrifices! They want to be free to make the most of life and do what they like. These are very bad ...
Daily meditations...terials they can also do on their own psychic matter. All their instincts, desires, feelings and thoughts represent a substance which they have to work on intensely in order to purify and develop it. From one point of view you could say this is...
Daily meditationsHow many people cling desperately to their earthly existence! Unaware that their life will not end with what they call death, they are even capable of committing crimes to prolong their life. Spiritual people think about things in a completely ...
Daily meditationsEarthly life for humans is simply a long sleep filled with dreams, some of which are pleasant and some not. One day, when they wake up, they will wonder how they could have believed that what they were experiencing was reality. If they are here ...
Daily meditationsYou may find that even the most beautiful works of art have a few imperfections, and even the greatest artists are rarely satisfied with their works. Yet certain monuments, because of their proportions, the purity of their lines and the materials ...
Daily meditationsFor most artists, the act of creation is just an instinct; they are impelled to express themselves, it is an inner need, but they do not particularly ask themselves what they, let alone others, gain from it. Often they will expound very earnestly on ...
Daily a great deal. For good as well as evil, it is necessary to give the same direction to one's thoughts, feelings and actions, which is difficult – and people are so lazy in this regard! We are sometimes surprised that great criminals can becom...
Daily meditationsDo many people really consider the meaning of their time on earth? How many actually ask themselves, ‘What am I doing here? Why am I here?' Most behave as if they had nothing better to do than try to pass the time as pleasantly as possible. Very few ...
Daily meditations...things outside of us, but also on the matter within us. All our instincts, all our impulses, our thoughts, feelings and desires represent a substance on which we have work to do. In a sense, it is a work of creation similar to artistic creation...
Daily meditationsLife is a tightrope we move along, pulled this way and that by opposing impulses. Every day we have to keep the two pans of our inner scales – our heart and mind – in balance. If the heart leans too far one way, if the feelings have too much say, ...
Daily meditationsOne of the most famous passages in the Gospels is the one where a doctor of law asks Jesus, ‘Which commandment is the first of all?' And Jesus replies, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your ...
Daily meditationsPhysically, human beings are either men or women, but in all creatures there is a feminine, passive side, symbolized by darkness, as well as a masculine, active side, symbolized by light. And the light has to enter the darkness to enlighten it and ...
Daily meditationsThe heart and mind do not have the same requirements; each must be nourished differently and, therefore, exercised differently. Artists, whose heart and sensitivity are particularly developed, need encouragement, and they suffer when criticized. ...
Daily meditationsIn each human being there is something – call it a space – that nothing and no one, except God himself, will ever succeed in filling. You can fill this space, known as the heart, with all the beings and all the objects you like, but there will still ...
Daily meditationsWhen we see the state of the world today, of course we tell ourselves the worst may yet happen: atomic war, epidemics, natural catastrophes and so on, capable of bringing about the disappearance of humankind. And so, voices are heard announcing that ...
Daily meditationsHow many people cling to life and will even commit murder in order to survive! This is because they are unaware that life does not end with their earthly existence, and so they incur heavy debts they will one day have to pay. Disciples of an ...
Daily meditations...h as matter to be sculpted, as canvas to be painted. And their chisels or paintbrushes are their thoughts and feelings. Beauty is a living reality, whose springs remain hidden in the depths of our being, and when it bursts forth it impregnates ...
Daily meditationsHow many artists live in anxiety and torment! To keep going, some indulge in drink, drugs, debauchery, and so on. As they are genuinely gifted, this does not prevent them from creating masterpieces from time to time. But it is others who benefit ...
Daily meditations...ther do not yet know harmony. True art consists, first and foremost, in being an artist in one's thoughts, feelings, gestures, words and expressions. Every day, exhibitions, concerts and ballets are presented before the angels. They are always ...
Daily meditationsIf humans persist in closing their eyes to the spiritual world, true poetry and true beauty will leave the earth. And what will replace them? All you will see then are cemeteries, prisons and an enormous zoo, with animals guarding other animals. And ...
Daily meditationsYou should have it firmly in mind that everything that exists in heaven has a correspondence on earth, because earth is a reflection of heaven. Yes, just a reflection, and if you really want to know fulfilment, which is a state of the soul and ...
Daily meditationsSo many believers give up religion, because, as they see it, the discoveries made by science cancel out or contradict the truths of faith! Well, that just proves they haven't understood much about religion or about science, for the discoveries of ...
Daily meditationsIn our physical body, the head is the seat of knowledge, while power is situated in the arms and legs, which are for doing and moving. Between the head and the limbs lies the heart. Without the heart, the head and the limbs would be unable to ...
Daily meditationsYou must realize that your life on earth is one long sleep full of dreams. One day, when you wake up, you will say, 'My God, how could I have believed all that was true?' But now, while you are here, you have to work, to learn what matter is, even ...
Daily meditations...h an extent and, often, in such a disconnected way that they are no longer able to control their thoughts. It is this mental agitation that later prevents them from rising any higher than the astral and mental planes and sensing the reality of ...
Daily meditationsAlthough this idea is not very widely held, you must understand that science, religion and art cannot be dissociated, because in nature they are already linked. So it was a big mistake for humans to separate them, which they did even to the extent ...
Daily meditationsThe earth's atmosphere is made up of different kinds of layers. In the lower layers, waste and dust accumulate, teeming with microbes. But the higher you rise, the purer and more luminous the regions you enter. Like the atmosphere, human beings are ...
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