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'Communion' (9)

Daily meditationsTo commune is to enter into relationship with all creatures and with the living forces which animate rocks, plants, mountains, springs, the sun and the stars. To commemorate Jesus' last supper with his disciples, Christians go to church and receive ...
Daily meditationsWhat is the earth doing as it revolves around the sun? Dancing. It dances tirelessly every day. The day it stops dancing, it will die. We too learn to dance every morning before the sun, so as not to die, so as to live the true life. ‘Dance before ...
Daily meditationsDuring the last meal he shared with his disciples, Jesus took some bread, blessed it, broke it and gave it to them, saying, ‘Take, eat; this is my body.' Then he took a cup of wine, blessed it and gave it to them, saying, ‘Drink from it…This is my ...
Daily meditationsSeeing communion as something to be celebrated only in a church or a temple restricts its meaning. A greater and broader meaning should be given to communion. For it is the condition for life itself. To commune is also to eat, drink, breathe, walk, ...
Daily meditationsOne of the essential practices of Christianity is communion. It was not Jesus who instituted this rite; it already existed long before him, for Melchizedek, the high priest of the Almighty, went to meet Abraham bearing bread and wine. Communion is a ...
Daily meditationsThe sacrament of the Holy Communion commemorates the last supper that Jesus shared with his disciples, in which he took the bread, blessed it, and gave it to them with the words, ‘Take, eat, this is my body.' Then he took the wine, blessed it and ...
Daily meditationsCommunion* is an abiding, ever-present relationship between the whole of our being and the vital forces of nature: stones, plants, mountains, springs, the sun, the stars, and above all, all living beings. Christians are content to receive communion ...
Daily meditationsWhen the first man dwelt in close and constant communion with the Lord, nothing was hidden from him.* The divine life in which he was immersed was his unique and perfect source of knowledge. To know something is to taste it. If you want to recover ...
Daily meditationsIt is not a question of belonging to one religion rather than another, of observing one rite rather than another. A rite is only a form, and forms are useful only to the extent to which we are capable of bringing life to them, of giving them ...