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'Pride' (12)

Daily meditationsProud people imagine they are dependent on nothing and no one, exactly like a light bulb which claims to be the source of light, forgetting that the power station supplies the current. Those who are humble, on the contrary, know that they are not an ...
Daily meditationsDepending on the context, pride and humility are seen as either qualities or failings. But from the spiritual point of view, we can say that when pride is arrogance, it makes people poorer, whereas humility makes them richer. Look at the attitude of ...
Daily meditationsIn our daily life, we must never lose sight of the fact that when someone says ‘I' or ‘me', it is not always the same being speaking each time. Often it is the lower nature expressing itself through that person. But we can also say ‘I' as bearers of ...
Daily meditationsIn the Psalms, it is said that God brings down the proud and lifts up the humble. Who are ‘the proud'? All those who, simply because they have a certain intellectual ability, count only on themselves. They don't recognize the existence of a higher ...
Daily meditationsA proud person is one who imagines he is dependent on nothing and no one, exactly like a lamp which claims to be the source of light, forgetting that the power station supplies the current. One who is humble, on the contrary, knows that he is not an ...
Daily meditationsThe disciples of an initiatic school have a duty to fulfil: the duty to transform themselves in such a way that they inspire in those they meet the desire to follow their example. How can people fail to see the beauty of this endeavour? May they ...
Daily meditationsWhat is the difference between pride and vanity?Vanity shows itself kind and generous; it goes everywhere so that it may be seen, it does good so that it may be noticed, it is helpful so that it may be appreciated. But while others may benefit from ...
Daily meditationsVanity comes across as good, kind and generous; it goes everywhere so that it may be seen, it is charitable in order to draw attention to itself, it is helpful so as to be appreciated. But there is no doubt that it is often harmful to those who ...
Daily meditationsOnce you have entered an initiatic school, know that you have a duty to fulfil, the duty to transform yourself so that all those you meet will marvel and decide to follow your example. How can people fail to see the beauty of this endeavour? Finally ...
Daily meditationsDisciples must find the right balance between pride and excessive humility. They should not be completely self-effaced on the pretext of humility, or they will end up becoming idiotic and stupid. But neither should they be overly conceited on the ...
Daily meditationsProud people imagine they are dependent on nothing and no one, exactly like a lamp that claims to be the source of light, forgetting that the power station supplies the current.Those who are humble, on the contrary, know that they are not isolated ...
Daily meditationsPride makes human beings poorer, and humility makes them richer. Yes, see how proud people behave – they are puffed up and full of themselves – whereas humble people empty themselves. It is precisely this emptiness that attracts plenitude, because ...