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'Suffering' (28)

Daily meditationsHuman beings are inhabited by a multitude of entities that have been charged by cosmic Intelligence to watch over their development. If, through negligence or unwillingness, people are destroying something in their mind, heart, or physical body, ...
Daily meditationsSuffering gives human beings an opportunity to enter into themselves to think, meditate and attract superior beings who will guide and help them. There is no greater science than to know how to suffer. Someone who knows how to suffer gives off the ...
Daily meditationsTo understand suffering and to endure it, do not start to consider it as a heavenly punishment. It is above all a warning, a lesson to stop human beings who are on a slope, from tumbling to their ruin. Yes, when they stubbornly refuse to understand, ...
Daily meditationsGod is not there to fulfil people's desire for ease, tranquillity and well-being. He is only concerned with what will make them grow. But that is what human beings do not really understand. When they suffer, they pray to the Lord... This is very ...
Daily meditationsMost religions teach that our suffering comes from God: God sends trials to the just because he loves them, and God pursues the wicked to punish them for their faults and compel them to return to the right path. Is this the truth?There are immutable ...
Daily meditations... Washing your shirt means to purify yourself. Planting seeds in the ground means to place good thoughts and feelings both in your own mind and heart and in the mind and heart of others. Grinding wheat is preparing the bread of life. These three...
Daily meditationsWhen you suffer, try to be aware that only a part of you is affected by this suffering. There is another part it has no access to – your spirit. Your spirit is free; it is subject to no constraint. From the sublime regions where it lives, it watches ...
Daily meditationsSuffering is unpleasant, and it is natural to want to put an end to it immediately in whatever way you can. However, there are circumstances where it would be better not to always run away from suffering but instead to try to draw strength from it ...
Daily meditationsMost religions say that suffering comes from God: it is God who sends trials to the just, because he loves them, and it is God also who pursues wrongdoers to punish them for their faults and compel them to return to the right path. What is really ...
Daily meditationsDon't try systematically to escape from suffering; think rather of drawing strength from it, so that the sublime life may awaken within you. The role of suffering is precisely to make qualities emerge that would never appear under other conditions. ...
Daily meditationsThis is something you ought to know: no matter who you are or what you do, you will be subjected to trials. So, rather than being surprised every time, as if it were news to you, and making everybody else, the Lord included, responsible for your ...
Daily meditationsNo human being on earth is free from suffering. You need to know, however, that there is suffering that is useful, beneficial, and other suffering that is needless and even harmful. Needless suffering is the kind we bring upon ourselves by ...
Daily meditationsEven during troubled times, you must strive to remain steadfast, because troubles are superficial accidents and do not touch what is essential in you. Look at the sea: however the waves may disturb the surface, a little deeper down this agitation ...
Daily meditationsMaintain your faith in the good. In doing so you will learn to bear your ordeals, to work with them and to receive blessings from them. You will come to resemble a deep valley in the mountains, irrigated by all the waters which plunge from the ...
Daily meditations...ty and strength. The dramatic experiences and inner upheavals they lived – the entire gamut of thoughts, feelings, sensations and emotions – were the colours they used to realize their masterpieces or sublime acts. Everyone around them benefite...
Daily meditationsIn their everyday lives, people worry very little about the lot of their fellow men. When they see images of devastation, famine and massacres on television, then, of course, they are moved for a few minutes, and sometimes tears even come to their ...
Daily meditationsSuffering is very unpleasant, but why aggravate it by adding anger, rebellion and discouragement and eventually losing faith in what is essential: divine wisdom and love? Since we must suffer, since we cannot escape problems and ordeals, is it not ...
Daily meditationsWe must not always consider suffering as a punishment. It is a warning, a lesson given to restrain human beings who are on the road to ruin. Yes, when they are stubborn and refuse to understand, suffering alone can instruct and save them. It is not ...
Daily meditationsHuman beings cannot transform themselves if they rebel against the conditions of their life, and if they seek to avoid suffering. I am not saying that you should not look for remedies to relieve your suffering. But at the current stage of ...
Daily meditationsWhen someone proposes a policy inspired by generosity and concern for the most deprived, very few people decide to support them. But if they talk about overthrowing the powers that be to seize the positions and privileges they exercise, this person ...
Daily meditationsImmutable laws govern the universe created by God and make it work. As such, human beings who are part of this universe must always study these laws and seek to better understand them and abide by them. They suffer due to the difficulties they ...
Daily meditationsThe Creator gave humans a mission: to bring the spirit down to dwell in them, so that everything in them that was lifeless would be brought to life. They have great obstacles to overcome before they achieve this, but that is their work: to awaken ...
Daily meditationsIf humans did not suffer, they would never decide to transform themselves. That is why, instead of rebelling against suffering, they should understand how useful it is, for suffering is a fire that burns away impurities.Fire possesses a property ...
Daily meditationsThe worst difficulties and suffering begin when people start to think that they are the sole masters of their destiny, that there is neither providence, nor luminous entities to guide and support them. This is how they sever all ties with heaven. ...
Daily meditationsSuffering gives humans an opportunity to enter into their own depths and reflect, meditate and draw to themselves higher beings who can guide and help them. If you suffer knowing that it is through your suffering that heaven wants to transform you, ...
Daily meditationsEvery single thought or feeling is in touch with all the regions and beings in the universe whose vibrations correspond to its own. This explains our joys and sufferings. Someone who drifts into a coarse, bestial way of life unwittingly joins the ...
Daily meditationsWhen you see a person suffering, you do not know whether their suffering is inflicted by divine justice or whether they have freely consented to it. How can we tell if someone is being punished, or if they have chosen to sacrifice themselves? Many ...
Daily meditationsAn angel is an immortal creature made of matter so pure and subtle that nothing can harm it. Angels dwell in light and perfect joy and have knowledge of everything except suffering. For suffering can affect only matter that is not absolutely pure – ...