'Self' (78)
Daily meditationsSpiritual work and the work on oneself is a long and exacting endeavour. When faced with the length of the path to be followed and the obstacles along the way, doubt can creep in and you no longer believe you have the qualities necessary to achieve ...
Daily meditationsEvery judgement human beings hold about people and things depends on a comparison: they prefer one person to another, or one thing to another. In order to prefer something, to judge, people must have made a comparison in one way or another. They ...
Daily meditationsAnyone who strives in their inner life to give priority to the activity of the spirit, their higher self, is already participating in the cosmic work of Christ, of God himself. Yes, this activity which takes place in another sphere, most often ...
Daily meditationsOur higher self, our divine self is constantly sending us messages; and if we do not receive them, or if we receive them wrongly, it is because we have accumulated too many impurities within us. Consider an oil lamp whose glass is smoky: its flame ...
Daily meditationsA true spiritualist is one who decides to abandon all their futile occupations, all their passing pleasures that bring them nothing. By doing this, they release within themselves spiritual energies that were paralysed and enslaved by ordinary, ...
Daily meditationsGod is within and without. And the same is true of our higher self; it lives in the sublime regions and also lives within us. But how can we feel the presence of this divine entity which is all-light, all-love and all-powerful? It is difficult, of ...
Daily meditationsThere is something in human beings that drives them to surpass themselves. Take mountaineers for example: what makes them attempt the ascent of ever higher and more inaccessible peaks? What makes swimmers and runners swim and run faster and faster? ...
Daily meditations...h the ‘I' represented by their physical body, their instincts, desires, feelings and thoughts. But now, if they try to find themselves through study and meditation, they will discover that beyond appearances their true self is one with God hims...
Daily meditationsIt is not enough that the activities you engage in satisfy your desire for knowledge or bring you joy, relief or relaxation. You should seek an opportunity for improvement, for inner liberation, in every activity. The way people practise art, ...
Daily meditationsIn a spiritual teaching, you learn how to excel yourself, to surpass yourself. Of course, this is just a manner of speaking, for you cannot distance yourself from yourself; everything is inside you. It is your consciousness that elevates itself to ...
Daily meditationsMany men and women do not find their place in society; they feel ignored, looked down on and above all, useless – one of the worst feelings there is. So how then, will they use their energy? Since they are not given the chance to build anything, all ...
Daily meditationsPeople do not spontaneously put themselves in the situation of those around them. This is how so many errors of judgment and so much injustice and cruelty arise. When you are about to give your opinion of someone, ask yourself what you know of their ...
Daily meditationsSo long as humans make do for now with the image they have of themselves, they are kept down in the lower levels of their consciousness, because this image, which is so mediocre and ordinary, influences and limits them. They should work to create a ...
Daily meditations... any old how, when they pollute their lungs with tobacco or poison themselves with destructive thoughts and feelings? No. Loving yourself means being careful not to allow in any impure, harmful element, either physically or psychically. For by ...
Daily meditationsTo give like the sun, to love like the sun… This ideal is one we must try hard to achieve one day. Each time we feel impatience, irritation or discouragement because of human behaviour, we have a solution for overcoming the feeling: we can turn to ...
Daily meditationsIn the past, spiritual teachings guided humans along the path of individual salvation. Knowledge, powers, enlightenment – everything anyone succeeded in acquiring was for themselves, for their own development, their own spiritual upliftment. This is ...
Daily meditationsHave you already experienced the power smiling has? Suppose you feel disappointed, you encounter a difficulty, something annoys you, or someone has hurt you, etc. Instead of giving way to irritation or discouragement, try using the method of ...
Daily meditationsThere are men and women who do not find their place in society: they feel ignored, looked down on and, above all, useless, which is one of the worst kinds of suffering there is. So how are they going to make use of their energies? Since they are not ...
Daily meditations...hey imagine the whole world is in league against them, which has a very negative effect on their thoughts and feelings. They rebel, and in their rebellion they gradually lose the qualities they had wanted to place at the service of their ideal....
Daily meditationsWe cannot deny that many people feel affection for one another. But, at the same time, they are so self-centred, they do not see the extent to which they are making one another suffer. This creates dramas, break-ups, even in families.Take a man ...
Daily meditationsIt is useless, even dangerous, to commit to the spiritual way as long as you have not understood just how tough the lower nature is, how hard it is to tame and how much vigilance, perseverance, humility and self-denial you need to work on it. Far ...
Daily meditationsEndeavour to go within to find your spiritual centre, your higher self, through which our heavenly Father manifests in us. And once you have found it, hold on to it so fast that nothing and no one can part you from it. This is what Jesus did; he had ...
Daily meditationsDo you feel tormented by a passion or by a relationship and want to free yourself from it? You can't do it just by deciding to. The solution is to seek to become attached to another activity or person with a completely different nature or character ...
Daily meditationsTo give like the sun, to love like the sun… That is an ideal we must strive to achieve one day. Whenever we feel impatience, irritation or discouragement coming because of other people's behaviour, there is a remedy: turn to the sun, shining ...
Daily meditationsWatch how you behave in daily life. If you think you are strong and competent – which you may in fact be, and that's fine – do not seek to assert yourself on the pretext that you need to be acknowledged. Why? Because you arouse in others the need to ...
Daily meditations‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself', said Jesus. So, unlike all the pessimists and misanthropists who preach self-hatred, Jesus thinks we must love ourselves. Yes, but how? Or, rather, what must we love in ourselves? If so many people are so ...
Daily meditationsAlways maintain an ideal of perfection. But do not let your desire to improve yourself be solely for your own evolution: consider that it must also be useful, beneficial, for the whole world. All progress in future should be along those lines.Up ...
Daily meditations...them and imagine everyone is in league against them. This has a very negative influence on their thoughts and feelings: they rebel, and in doing so they lose their light and their love. And all because they refuse to admit that they have been u...
Daily meditationsIt is difficult to improve oneself, and sometimes you find the results are not equal to the efforts you have made. But are you really using the methods I give you? There are many, but today I will just remind you of one. Talk to heaven, and say, ...
Daily meditationsWhere children and even adolescents are concerned, the stage is set for many years of upheavals and rebellions of all kinds, preventing their divine self from blossoming. But in time they calm down and become wiser, and all their good qualities ...
Daily meditationsYou all know the commandment Jesus gave: ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself'. Even if this is considered hard to put into practice, it is generally thought easy to understand. But I ask you this: how do people love themselves? They ...
Daily meditationsWhy do some people always have the same set, expressionless face? They do not realize how unpleasant it is for others to have to look at someone who never expresses anything new and alive. And yet this is one of the main reasons why people leave ...
Daily meditationsHumans rarely have an objective opinion of themselves, and this is just as true of those on a spiritual path. Even those who are highly evolved can be frightened by the immensity of Initiatic Science, by just how far they are from the goal they must ...
Daily meditationsSomeone will say, 'I love'... Yes, they love, of course, but do they ask themselves about the nature of their love? Do they give a thought to the fact that there are two kinds of love: the self-serving kind and the disinterested kind? Disinterested ...
Daily meditations...the 'I' that is represented by their physical body, their instincts, their desires, feelings and thoughts. But if they were to try, now, to find themselves through study and meditation, they would actually discover that, beyond all appearances,...
Daily meditationsVery small children have no concerns other than getting fed and playing with the things around them, and as soon as they feel in the least frustrated they shout and cry. Children are selfish little monsters; yes, but at that age it's natural, and ...
Daily meditationsYou must not ask yourself whether you can trust others and then, according to your optimistic or pessimistic temperament, answer with a yes or no. The correct response to this question has nothing to do with temperament. You can trust someone when ...
Daily meditationsAnyone who strives in their inner life to give priority to the activity of the higher Self are already participating in the cosmic work of Christ, of God Himself. Yes, this activity which takes place in another sphere, most often without our ...
Daily meditationsWe can only come into contact with God, the Cosmic Spirit, by coming into contact with the spirit within us, with our Higher Self. So it is important to understand this well: when you pray to God, you are actually seeking to attain the summit of ...
Daily meditationsIf some of the behaviour of human beings cannot be explained, it is because the relationship that exists in every human being between the lower nature and the higher nature is not understood. That is why you may see people who have been models of ...
Daily meditationsSo many complications in life arise because we are impulsive and do not know how to hold our tongue. During a conversation with a boss or a colleague, for example, you are not sufficiently vigilant, and you let a few unfortunate words slip. Well, ...
Daily meditationsHumans have an instinctive need to impose themselves upon others. This is not necessarily a bad thing – it all depends on the area in which you seek to impose your will and how you go about it.Does not a rose impose itself? Yes. By its beauty and ...
Daily meditationsYou know at least one being, living or dead, who has demonstrated great wisdom and a superior understanding of things. So, each time the occasion arises, say to yourself, ‘Alright, this is what I think, but what would that person think or do in my ...
Daily meditationsTry not to shy away from an opportunity to show self-control. There is no shortage of opportunities to learn to resist hunger, thirst, heat, cold or tiredness. I am not saying you must live a life of privation or become a yogi. No, of course not. ...
Daily meditationsThe atmosphere surrounding the earth and divided by science into various layers, each with a particular name (troposphere, stratosphere, and so on), extends for several hundred kilometres into space. But beyond that, the earth has an etheric body ...
Daily meditationsThe universe is a body that God animates with his spirit. This is what the ancient philosophers called the macrocosm. Similarly, humans have a body, a microcosm, created in the image of the macrocosm, and the spirit that animates this body is a ...
Daily meditationsAny confusion or malaise we might feel warns us that an 'enemy' is after us. To escape, we must seek to reach our higher consciousness and lock ourselves away there, like in a fortress, and not leave, not even to ward off the enemy threatening us. ...
Daily meditationsWe must know how to discern our higher self from our lower self so as to encourage the expressions of our higher self only. We must also have the same attitude when it comes to others, and always seek to contact their divine nature to give it the ...
Daily meditations...prove yourself in order to improve the quality of your seeds. ‘What seeds?' you will ask. Your thoughts and feelings. Each one of your thoughts, each one of your feelings is a seed that reflects your strengths and weaknesses, and you sow these ...
Daily meditationsIn winter, when the life of a tree retreats into its roots, the tree becomes dull and bare, without beauty or fragrance, and nobody comes near it. But as soon as the sap begins to rise, birds sing in its branches, and people pause to admire it and ...
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