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'Soul' (49)

Daily meditationsYou are all seeking this love of the so-called soul mate. Well, if you want to find your soul mate, above all, do not look for them. Concern yourself only with living a pure, intense, and luminous life. Simply live this life and let it take its ...
Daily meditationsHow many opportunities are we given to transcend the mediocrity of daily life! But do you bother to pay attention to these occasions? The silence of the night, the starry sky, and the immensity of space offer us the best conditions for distancing ...
Daily meditationsAll the beings and things round us may help us, but we must never count on them absolutely. Since they are exterior to us, they may not always be available; one moment they are there, and the next they are elsewhere, or someone may even come and ...
Daily meditationsAnimosity and hatred arise between human beings because face-to-face with one another they are never conscious that they are in the presence of a spirit, a spark that is seeking to manifest itself and that, in order to help this spirit before them, ...
Daily meditationsOnce a man or a woman has truly found their soulmate, that is, has found their complementary principle within, they keep feeling they are meeting this principle in all creatures. They love all the women and all the men on earth; they love them ...
Daily meditationsThe human soul is a minute part of the universal Soul, and it feels so limited, so confined in the physical body that its greatest wish is to spread out into infinite space and merge with it. And so it is wrong to think, as people usually do, that ...
Daily meditationsConsciously or unconsciously, all men and women are looking for their twin soul. What they do not know is that, in reality, their twin soul is not a different entity from them but the other pole of their being, living on high with God in perfection ...
Daily meditationsEven if people see each other every day and, unfortunately, even if they live together, they only view one another superficially. They focus on external expressions, on appearance, and appearances are often not that great. They forget that beyond ...
Daily meditationsEach morning when you wake up, and several times during the day, think of the universal Soul, as if it were a tuning-fork you had to resonate with. In this way, little by little, you will enter cosmic harmony. Imagine you are a musical instrument ...
Daily meditationsAfter a time of great spiritual intensity, why do you have such a feeling of fulfilment? And yet, outwardly, nothing has happened to you; nothing has changed, but you feel satisfied, as if you have eaten and drunk your fill. Ignorant people, of ...
Daily meditationsTo understand correctly the nature and activity of the spiritual principle we call the soul, we first have to realize that it is not enclosed in our physical body. It extends much further than that, and at the same time as continuing to give our ...
Daily meditationsIn the highest region of the sephirah Malkuth live the glorified souls. In Hebrew they are called ishim, which simply means ‘men'. These are the saints, patriarchs, prophets, great spiritual Masters and founders of religions who form a link between ...
Daily meditationsThe universe is the work of the two great principles – masculine and feminine, cosmic Spirit and universal Soul – which come together to create. What we call spirit (masculine) and soul (feminine) are emanations of these two creative principles, ...
Daily meditationsEverything that exists in the universe is contained in a principle we all possess – our higher soul. This higher soul touches heaven and is an emanation of God himself. We lost contact with this soul when we incarnated into matter, and yet it lives ...
Daily meditationsMany men and women, even after repeated failures and disappointments, continue to stubbornly believe that it's not that their understanding of love is at fault, only that they have still not met the person they are meant to meet,… the ideal being,… ...
Daily meditationsA child coming into the world is a soul limiting itself, and it suffers at having to come into a body where it feels so confined. Even if this limitation is necessary to allow for manifestation on the physical plane, human beings must never forget ...
Daily meditationsPay attention to those around you or those you happen to meet. Learn to see them in a sacred way, for beyond appearances and the form of their body or their face lie a soul and spirit, which are the daughter and son of God. If you make the effort to ...
Daily meditationsNever let a day go by without connecting to the spiritual world, without seeking to be in touch with divine currents or divine entities. Yes, not a single day, otherwise it is difficult to regain the same inner state of clarity and peace. You are ...
Daily meditationsSometimes you will hear men and women say they are looking for their twin soul… or they have found their twin soul. There is no reason to doubt that they are looking for it. But whether they find it is another matter. We all have a twin soul, but ...
Daily meditationsWe all possess a higher soul. At the moment, you may not be aware of its presence within you, but if you think of it, if you try to get in touch with it, you will gradually feel it drawing close to bring you help and support. Otherwise, it's true, ...
Daily meditationsWhat we call spirit and soul are two inner realities corresponding to the two great creative principles – masculine and feminine – known as cosmic Spirit and universal Soul. So, like them, we too are creators. Yes, we too have the power to create, ...
Daily meditationsOnce a man or a woman has truly found their twin soul, that is, has found their complementary principle within, they keep feeling they are meeting this principle everywhere, in all creatures. They love all the women and all the men on earth; they ...
Daily meditationsThe relationship between humans and animals is still not well known. It is not easy to recognize signs that a human soul has been condemned to live in an animal's body to atone for mistakes made in a former life. But this is a reality: the law of ...
Daily meditationsWe all have a twin soul. Usually, it remains invisible, is not incarnated, but it can sometimes take on the features of another person for a time. And whether it is male or female, a disciple's twin soul can appear to them through their Master. For ...
Daily meditationsEven after several disasters and disappointments, how many of you insist on believing it is not your understanding of love that is defective; it is simply that you haven't met your twin soul yet! As if happiness were just about meeting someone… ...
Daily meditationsThe human soul is a minute part of the universal Soul, and it feels so limited, so confined, in the physical body that its greatest wish is to spread out in space and merge with it. And so it is wrong to think, as people usually do, that the soul is ...
Daily meditationsEvery particle of matter has an energy. So our physical body, which is matter, also has an energy, which we call the soul. But human beings are actually made up of several bodies, each of which has a soul: the physical body has the instinctual soul; ...
Daily meditationsDo not be so indifferent and negligent towards those around you. Learn to regard them with a feeling of sacredness, and, behind their appearance, behind the shape of their body or face, you will discover their soul and their spirit, which are the ...
Daily meditationsHuman beings carry an image in their heart and soul of the being they are seeking, the one they need to love. They picture that being more or less vaguely, and when they meet men or women during the course of their life with whom they start to form ...
Daily meditationsThe soul has a need for space; in the vastness of space it is able to breathe, to expand and rejoice. If you restrict the soul, it is stifled, and it withers and languishes. And that is what happens to human beings who allow themselves to become ...
Daily meditations...o bring down: what can you actually take hold of? The essence of a person, which is to say his thoughts and feelings, cannot be seized. We can succeed in taking hold of his physical body for a time, but not the mysterious being who inhabits it....
Daily meditationsAnimosity and hatred arise between human beings because face to face with one another they are never conscious that they are in the presence of a spirit, a spark that is seeking to manifest itself and that, in order to help this spirit before them, ...
Daily meditationsConsciously or unconsciously, every human being seeks his soul mate. In fact, our soul mate is ourself, the other pole of ourselves which lives on high close to God in perfection and fulfilment. This is why in all the initiations the disciples were ...
Daily meditationsThe realm of the soul is infinite space. Thus, when a being's soul feels restricted, it seeks to escape at all costs and presses its host to provide the means. Those who are incapable of providing their soul with elements of a spiritual nature will ...
Daily meditationsScientists have decided to limit their research to the objective and material world, because it can be observed by everyone in the same way. They ignore the world of the soul and spirit, or even deny its existence, claiming no one is capable of ...
Daily meditationsWhy do you always feel hunger and thirst within yourself? Through thought, you could attract all the subtle elements given out so abundantly in space, all the nourishment longed for by your soul and spirit. These elements are at your disposal with ...
Daily meditationsYou may sometimes wonder whether it is so important to set yourselves a discipline in life in order to reach a higher level of consciousness, and to develop mastery, wisdom and kindness. For it takes much time and effort. Of course you can live on ...
Daily meditationsTo fully understand ​​the different manifestations of life, we must study them in the three planes – the physical, psychic and spiritual planes – that correspond to the division of body, soul and spirit. This division into three also applies to our ...
Daily meditationsWhatever your degree of evolution, always try to further explore your consciousness and develop your faculties even more.Here is an exercise. First of all, remain silent and still for a while, and then through thought, rise up. Imagine you are ...
Daily meditationsInner strength, balance, peace and happiness all depend on love. But you must sense that love is there within your reach, that it is inside you, and that there is no reason to ever feel poor and lonely. If you do feel poor and lonely, then you have ...
Daily meditationsNowadays, human beings are mainly interested in cultivating their intellectual faculties, which is fine. Unfortunately, they do so at the expense of other means of exploration, and as a result, the subtle life of the universe, the soul and the ...
Daily meditations...wn – what can you actually take hold of? The essence of a human being, that is to say, their thoughts and feelings, cannot be shut up and locked away. All around us, we see people making the most ridiculous efforts to grab hold of human souls, ...
Daily meditations... air. Human beings are like bottles of perfume: their bodies are separate, but by means of their thoughts, their soul and their spirit, they can meet with other human beings as well as with entities of the invisible world anywhere in the univer...
Daily meditationsTrue adepts of initiatic science do not rely on anything external; they know that God has deposited within them every possibility, every form of wealth, and every substance from every laboratory. And that is where they must look for them. Of course, ...
Daily meditationsTake a circle: however great the circumference its centre is always a minute point. The circumference symbolizes the soul, which can expand to an infinite degree. The point at the centre on the other hand represents the spirit, which has no ...
Daily meditationsConsciously or unconsciously, every human being searches for their soulmate. The truth is that our soulmate is our self, our other pole, which lives on high with God in a state of perfection and fulfilment. This is why in all initiations the master ...
Daily meditationsChrist said, ‘No one comes to the Father except through me.' This means that humans can truly be in communion with God only through their higher soul, for Christ is the Son of God who is present within each human being as a hidden spark. When you ...
Daily meditationsPhysicists teach us that every particle of matter has an energy. This energy is a masculine principle, and matter is a feminine principle. Our physical body, which consists of matter, also has an energy, and it is this energy that we call the soul. ...
Daily meditationsThe soul is hungry and the spirit is thirsty. The soul eats fire and the spirit drinks light. The spirit is a masculine principle, the soul a feminine principle, and they each nourish themselves with the complementary element. The soul – which ...