Daily Meditation: Friday, March 14, 2025
Soul and spirit - their relationship with the Cosmic Soul and Spirit
Plainly, there is no possible comparison between our soul and spirit and the Cosmic Soul and Spirit, but in their essence they are identical. This is why our soul and our spirit need to fuse with these divine entities: the Eternal Masculine and the Eternal Feminine. Our soul rises up to reunite with the Cosmic Spirit, and our spirit reunites with the Universal Soul. In this way, our two spiritual entities make exchanges with the two divine entities: the masculine part of ourselves merges with the feminine part of God, and the feminine part of ourselves merges with the masculine part of God. Not only have Initiates and great mystics understood this truth, they have also devoted their entire beings to living it, and their joy knows no limit. All religions teach that we must pray to God, adore Him, and melt into Him. These prescripts are based on the laws that govern the relationship between human beings and God—the relationship between our soul and spirit and the Cosmic Soul and Spirit.*
Omraam Mikhael AivanhovBuy
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