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Result: 'Life' (198)

Daily meditationsJust as all creatures are born, grow up, become old and then must make way for others, so too nations, countries and peoples do the same. They give what they have to give, and then they die out, as if they are resting so that one day they can ...
Daily meditationsOver the years, most people lose their taste for things: they breathe, eat, drink, walk, see, hear, without being particularly conscious of what they are doing. You could say their senses have become dulled. But suppose they become seriously ill; ...
Daily meditationsYou will all have heard the saying that life is a school. If you really understood what that meant, each time a new difficulty arose you would accept that you needed to do further exercises, and you would say, ‘Ah, here's another opportunity for ...
Daily meditationsWhen will people understand that their life must be always new, a constant outpouring? Like the sun, which is forever new. Yesterday's life is already past. Today's sun is not like yesterday's, and it also brings us new riches: each day it brings us ...
Daily meditationsEven if people are convinced that life is the most precious thing they possess, they have still not properly understood that the most essential thing in life is life itself. They do not think of all the creatures, all the powers in the universe that ...
Daily meditationsDo many people really consider the meaning of their time on earth? How many actually ask themselves, ‘What am I doing here? Why am I here?' Most behave as if they had nothing better to do than try to pass the time as pleasantly as possible. Very few ...
Daily meditationsIt is natural to rejoice when you have achieved success, but unfortunately – or fortunately – it is just as natural that some time later this success no longer satisfies. It is in the past, and you have to find a new reason to proceed with the same ...
Daily meditationsThe spiritual life does not require the amassing of a large amount of knowledge. The main thing in the spiritual life is practice. It is not good to read and study without ever trying to achieve anything or give concrete expression to it. Obviously, ...
Daily meditationsWhere are scientific and technical advances leading human beings? They should seriously ask themselves this question before it is too late. So far, those advances have been made to the detriment of life, because the aim of all the research and ...
Daily meditationsThe meaning of life lies in the quest for something eternally unachievable: divine perfection. For only the impossible is real, and what is furthest from us is in fact closest to us. This would seem to be absurd, but it isn't, for things are not as ...
Daily meditationsLife… Yes, life, first and foremost. Whatever your area of study or activity, you must place life at its centre and see it in its broadest and highest dimensions. Only when you have grounded yourself in what is essential can you allow yourself to go ...
Daily meditationsYou will not change over a few months or even a few years just because you nurture the ideal of a spiritual life. And the fact that you made this or that good resolution does not mean that things will happen just as you decided. Unfortunately, it is ...
Daily meditationsFor a great many people, intellectuals in particular, the only truth is scientific truth. In fact, life's truth is more important than scientific truth. And life's truth means learning to place all lives within the context of the cosmos to see how ...
Daily meditationsEvery day, life brings each of us problems to solve, which is why all sages are in agreement that life is the only true master. They themselves can teach people, of course, as they are very evolved beings, who have worked and suffered a great deal, ...
Daily meditationsIn the morning, as you watch the sun rise, concentrate on it and say, ‘As the sun rises over the world, let the spiritual sun of love, wisdom and truth rise in my heart, in my soul and in my spirit.' When spoken out loud, these words are good for ...
Daily meditationsLife after death is merely a continuation in another form of our present life and is, therefore, being prepared now.A few days after the soul has left the body, it separates from the body permanently. But everything the body has experienced is ...
Daily meditationsLife is a slow combustion. We must become aware of the fact that all physical effort, as well as all sensation, all feeling and all inner agitation, entails the combustion of numerous substances in us. Most people act as if their energies were ...
Daily meditations...fe principle is of a more mental and spiritual order, and those who strive to feed it with right thoughts and generous feelings can delay the action of the death principle. Of course, even if we do this work we will never escape old age and dea...
Daily meditationsAt first glance, what is fine, delicate and subtle would seem unable to resist the stresses of life. But look at what happens in the different kingdoms of nature. On the face of it, stones are the most resistant, but actually plants can defend ...
Daily meditations... knowledge consists in being able to preserve your life, knowing that the very quality of your thoughts and feelings is enough to affect your energy reserves and the very essence of your being. And so the best way of preserving your life is to ...
Daily meditationsHumans are alive, of course, but they are not living: most of the time, all you can say is that they are keeping busy. They don't realize that the numerous activities in which their days are spent cause them to forget to live.To live is to breathe, ...
Daily meditationsNo one will deny that all the human beings inhabiting the earth are alive. Even if they are only leading a life that is vegetative and instinctive, they are alive. And most also have an emotional, feeling life or even an intellectual life. But ...
Daily meditationsThe spiritual life is like a soil you must bury yourself in if you are to grow. Until then you will be like grain left in a granary. In the granary, of course, it is undisturbed; it is not subject to rain or wind or hail, but it will soon rot or be ...
Daily meditationsHow many people cling to life and will even commit murder in order to survive! This is because they are unaware that life does not end with their earthly existence, and so they incur heavy debts they will one day have to pay. Disciples of an ...
Daily meditationsAlthough you sincerely want to give up some of your bad habits, it is not easy, and it is important to be aware of this. Before engaging in a spiritual movement, disciples have not yet been instructed in the rules of Initiatic Science and live more ...
Daily meditationsOne day, after some reading or an encounter with someone, you may decide to change your life and embrace the spiritual life. Nevertheless, it will not be easy to put aside your material preoccupations: money, social position, honours, power… It is ...
Daily meditationsThe way people see life largely reflects what they themselves are. If they think it is beautiful, it is because they carry beauty within them; if they think it has no meaning, it is because they are ignorant and limited in their understanding.Life ...
Daily meditations...eing, each object bears their traces, and these traces can be detected. In the same way, all the thoughts, feelings and actions of humans, all their aspirations, enthusiasms, plans and prayers, leave them and move off in all directions; nothing...
Daily meditationsNow that you have set foot on the divine path, you must keep walking it tirelessly. The obstacles ahead disperse, one by one, when you keep going, for you will have set the powerful laws of life in motion.The spiritual life is like climbing a high ...
Daily meditationsIt is almost pointless embarking on the spiritual life so long as you have not understood just how tough the lower nature is and how demanding the work is you have to undertake, in terms of vigilance, steadfastness, humility and selflessness. Far ...
Daily meditationsLife and death are constantly battling with each other. It is generally thought that their power is equal, and there are some who even tend to think that death is stronger than life. It isn't. On the face of it, of course, death always seems to end ...
Daily meditationsOnce you have committed to the divine path, endeavour not to turn back. The surest method for not turning back is to be vigilant even in the smallest actions of daily life. It is pointless nurturing noble aspirations, if they are not supported each ...
Daily meditationsIt is good to pause periodically to take stock of one's life. Why? Because, too often, the lives people lead, day in, day out, become heavy and dark, because they amass more and more concerns and activities of all kinds that offer nothing from a ...
Daily meditationsYou must realize that your life on earth is one long sleep full of dreams. One day, when you wake up, you will say, 'My God, how could I have believed all that was true?' But now, while you are here, you have to work, to learn what matter is, even ...
Daily meditationsFor a seed to produce a tree, there are four necessary conditions: it must be placed in soil, watered, allowed to have air and provided with warmth and light from the sun. So, the four elements are present here: earth, water, air and fire. As the ...
Daily meditationsMany embark on the spiritual life without assessing any of the difficulties involved and wanting to undertake great things straightaway. And that is bound to end in accidents or disappointments. If you try to jump over a great, wide precipice ...
Daily meditationsYou will only know how rich and full your life can be if you think of harmonizing it with the divine life. Gradually, all heaven's knowledge and virtues will come to settle within you. Life - nothing is more important, because it holds the potential ...
Daily meditations'I am waiting until I've settled all my material affairs, and then I shall be able to devote myself to spiritual life.' That's something I have often heard. And then, what do I reply? That it's impossible. Why? Because material affairs are like a ...
Daily meditationsInitiates need to take in nourishment, just like other human beings. And taking in nourishment means not just eating and drinking, but loving, too.But what initiates seek to do is to find nourishment in the divine life, that is, in what is most ...
Daily meditationsSome people's habitual reactions and behaviour would lead you to believe they experienced life as a hostile deity looking for ways to destroy them. Life is indeed the greatest power that exists, but it has no wish to destroy human beings. The ...
Daily meditationsMany people find the idea of the spiritual life frightening, as they are under the impression that they will be throwing themselves into the void. Obviously, throwing oneself into the void is frightening and dangerous, but only for those whose wings ...
Daily meditationsAs individuals, each one of us is independent and autonomous - that is understood. But each one of us is also connected to the human collectivity and, beyond that even, to all the realms of nature and to the cosmic collectivity. We are therefore ...
Daily meditationsOne of the books of the Zohar, the Siphra di-Zeniutha, begins with these words: 'We have learned that the Secret Book is the book concerned with the balancing of the scales.' But balance does not mean there is no movement. When God became polarized ...
Daily meditationsMany people imagine that, because they have decided to follow a spiritual teaching, all their problems will quickly be solved, and they will soon be able to live a quiet, serene life. Well, no, it isn't that easy. To solve our problems, we have to ...
Daily meditationsLife can be defined as the result of the exchanges we make with the whole of nature. Life is made up only of exchanges. The most obvious expressions of this are eating and breathing - if these exchanges are prevented from taking place, weakness, ...
Daily meditationsDon't imagine that heaven will be so thrilled to see you become a member of a Church or another spiritual movement that it will come to make life easy for you and spare you trials. No, whether you are spiritual or materialistic, you will come up ...
Daily meditationsNever complain because you think you are dogged by fate. And don't imagine either that with an easy, smooth life you would be any happier. No, with an easy, smooth life, you would only stagnate. If you want to make progress and be of use, you need ...
Daily meditationsDo those who say they aspire to live in heaven know what heaven is really like? They certainly do not. This is why they should prepare for it; otherwise when they arrive up there, they will say, 'But there are no cigarettes here, there's no pub, no ...
Daily carry out in order to be worthy of receiving initiation. When they turn their selfish, petty thoughts and feelings into generous and disinterested ones, they are preparing the philosopher's stone, which transmutes base metals into gold. Wh...
Daily meditationsPeople love money because instinctively they feel it represents everything life has to offer. But they have confused things: they mistake gold, which comes from the sun and is the symbol of life, for life itself. Just as life provides everything, ...
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