'Food' (29)
Daily meditationsJust as animals have to eat to survive, human beings must eat too, but they should not content themselves with eating like an animal, in other words without consciousness. Why? Because food is not a dead substance, it has a voice, it speaks to us, ...
Daily meditations...cked if I tell you that we are also food for other entities. The entities of light take our good thoughts, our good feelings, and everything in us that is inspired by wisdom and love, and feed on it. They see us as trees producing flowers and f...
Daily meditations... the stomach, but the tongue and the mouth that capture the quintessence of food thanks to our thoughts and feelings and send it to the brain, and the whole nervous system. Even before the food reaches the stomach and the intestines, the body h...
Daily meditationsSince the food we eat every day is given to us by the Creator, it is imbued with his life. So how is it that this food, which is divine, does not make the wicked better people? It is because we each transform the food into something of our own ...
Daily meditations.... For that to happen, you need to study how you can capture these elements and be aware that our thoughts are the most effective means.
Using thought, humans can actually draw the subtle particles from their food that will play a part in the bu...
Daily meditations..., we must at least be able to welcome them and offer them the food they appreciate: the purest thoughts and feelings. Otherwise, they will leave....
Daily meditationsEven nutritionists fail to place sufficient emphasis on the importance of chewing our food. The mouth is like a little kitchen, and before sending food on to the stomach, we have to prepare it a little in this kitchen. We have to see that it is ...
Daily meditations...rself that you also have a soul and a spirit that need nourishing, and to send the Lord grateful thoughts for what he is giving you through the food you are eating. For what is food? It is a love letter – yes, a love letter written by the Creat...
Daily meditationsYou have been working for hours and now you are exhausted and hungry. At last, you are eating… It takes three or four hours to completely digest a meal, and yet, a quarter of an hour or so after you have finished your meal, you feel full of energy ...
Daily meditationsWhen two people meet for the first time, they are initially strangers. Their vibrations are not in harmony, and it is hard for them to understand each other. But time passes, and through their exchanges they begin to attune to one another. Don't be ...
Daily we are also eaten. Yes, we are food for other entities – for the angels. They take our good thoughts and feelings, everything in us that is inspired by wisdom and love. The angels think of us as trees that produce flowers and fruit. When the...
Daily meditations...he food and drink we consume at each meal. Sounds, perfumes and colours, as well as feelings and thoughts, can also be food. Feeding oneself in this way is, of course, more difficult, but it is possible. You too can do so in certain situations;...
Daily meditationsNo one is in any doubt that eating is necessary for the health of the physical body. But does anyone seek to go further, to find out what food can contribute on the subtle planes? If you were able to be sufficiently receptive at mealtimes, you would ...
Daily meditations...stomachs – the astral stomach's function is to digest feelings, the mental stomach's to digest thoughts. We must look after the health of these psychic stomachs, just as we look after the health of our physical stomach.
Those who swallow any o...
Daily meditationsOn the physical plane, even a criminal can feed himself the most succulent foods and serve them to his guests, but on the psychic plane, things are different. Here, each of us can only eat or provide food which resembles us, because this food ...
Daily meditationsWhat do you think about when you eat? About your financial problems, about troubles in your love life, or about some remarks that recently offended you? In these conditions, how do you think you can make use of all the energies contained in your ...
Daily meditationsIt is the Creator who gives us the food we eat every day, and it is impregnated with His life. But how is it that when an evil person eats this divine food, it does not improve him? Because he transforms this food into his own nature, whereas a ...
Daily meditations... therefore worthwhile for them to be in the best inner state when they prepare food, fostering thoughts of good health, peace and light for those who are due to eat it....
Daily meditationsWhy do you always feel hunger and thirst within yourself? Through thought, you could attract all the subtle elements given out so abundantly in space, all the nourishment longed for by your soul and spirit. These elements are at your disposal with ...
Daily meditations... visitors bearing gifts, but we must at least be able to welcome them with food they appreciate: thoughts and feelings inspired by the need to grow increasingly more in the light. Otherwise, they will leave, because they do not want to starve a...
Daily meditationsLearn to bless beings and objects. Think to impart only beneficial influences to everything you touch, to everything you do. Instead of taking selfish pleasure in caressing the head of someone you love, transform this gesture into spiritual work by ...
Daily meditationsCrystals and precious stones are the quintessence of the earth. Flowers are the quintessence of water. Birds are the quintessence of air. Initiates, who represent the Deity on earth, are the quintessence of fire. And finally, beyond fire, the ...
Daily meditationsEating a lot will not make you healthier. On the contrary, eating a lot is very harmful. What matters is the quality of the food, and above all, the way you eat. Even if you reduce your portions, you can draw more energy from your food if you have ...
Daily meditations...This is why you cannot yet harness all the energies your food contains. You are distracted, your thoughts are scattered, you gulp your food automatically, and even though your organism feels sustained and invigorated, it has in fact only assimi...
Daily meditations...not only is this food imbued with universal life, it is also imbued with our words, feelings and thoughts. People who eat in anger while slandering or ranting about others do not realize that they are permeating the food with poisonous particle...
Daily meditationsWhen you eat, you should make a habit of chewing your food at length, because the glands in your mouth then introduce various beneficial elements into it. This action can be compared to a kind of ‘cooking' that makes the food easier to assimilate. ...
Daily meditations...and it is important to be in the best possible state when preparing food, keeping in your mind thoughts of peace, light and good health for those who will eat it.*...
Daily meditationsWe need solid nourishment to survive on the physical plane. However, in the invisible world, there are creatures who obtain nourishment only from perfumes, colours and sounds.The majority of people find it difficult to accept that beyond the realms ...
Daily meditationsFood is made up of particles and energy that come not only from the earth but from the entire cosmos. Yes, elements from the cosmos have materialized in the shape of flowers, vegetables and fruits.In reality, food materializes on earth exactly in ...