Daily Meditation: Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Foods - which sounds, colours, perfumes, feelings and thoughts can also be
When you speak of nutrition, you should be aware that it is a vast subject, not limited simply to the food and drink we consume at each meal. Sounds, perfumes and colours, as well as feelings and thoughts, can also be food. Feeding oneself in this way is, of course, more difficult, but it is possible. You too can do so in certain situations; in fact, sometimes you are doing so without even realizing it. Have you never gone a whole day without feeling hungry, because you were absorbed in what you were doing or because you were so full of love you felt nourished? All feelings of spiritual love and all wise thoughts are food: they become transformed and feed even your physical body. Strive consciously to take in such foods.
Omraam Mikhael AivanhovBuy
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