'thoughts' (781)
Daily meditations...ce so long as humans are unable to build monuments of light and love in the invisible with their thoughts, feelings and will. These invisible constructions are just as real as buildings of concrete or glass, and more effective.
It is just such ...
Daily levels of life.
True spirituality consists in using any kind of work as a means to bring your thoughts, feelings and movements into tune with cosmic harmony. Each movement you imbue with a divine idea is recorded in the archives of your high...
Daily for you to go seeking love. Simply do your best to live. Cultivate and nurture pure, generous thoughts and feelings: you will be like a sun, like a clear spring, like a garden full of colourful scented flowers. Who isn't drawn to the sun, to...
Daily meditations... any human being who creates something with their hands, or with their feelings, wishes or thoughts....
Daily we are also eaten. Yes, we are food for other entities – for the angels. They take our good thoughts and feelings, everything in us that is inspired by wisdom and love. The angels think of us as trees that produce flowers and fruit. When the...
Daily meditations... these particles conduct positive or harmful influences. If you are forever sending out negative thoughts, words and feelings, these objects become like magnets, attracting everything in the universe that is bad. Of course, the opposite is also...
Daily give them more power. When you feel them approaching in the form of temptations or negative thoughts or feelings, do not rise to them. Tell them you are delighted to meet them, and welcome them with the light from all your inner lamps, and t...
Daily meditations...r failings, their weaknesses and their pain. He does not always make direct comments, but in his thoughts he whispers to each one of them, ‘Study, practise, be more patient, more generous… Don't lose heart…'
All true disciples perceive the pres...
Daily meditations...You wish to feel free? Work at elevating your thoughts and feelings, for true freedom is inner freedom. Of course, it is preferable to be free to move on the physical plane, too, but consider that freedom as secondary. The only freedom worth as...
Daily the world in the coil of its body. If destiny is so implacable, it is because all our thoughts, feelings and actions, the good as well as the bad, have been recorded in this ocean of fluid we cannot escape, and some day they will finally c...
Daily meditations...every evening and dress again every morning; you have done so for years, but what are your thoughts as you do it? From now on, be aware of each of these actions and how they correspond to the processes of becoming incarnate and discarnate....
Daily meditations...erstand what is happening to them.
So it is important for everyone to learn to work on their thoughts, feelings, words, gestures and expressions, so that the forces set in motion by any physical or psychic action they perform will have only ben...
Daily meditations...e fire is the centre of the circle, a centre of light, warmth and life to which we must send our thoughts and prayers. We come together in the fire: each one's soul and thoughts meet with those of the others in the fire, but only if we are cons...
Daily meditations... without coming down these great beings still send their brothers and sisters something of their thoughts and their love. ...
Daily meditations...e up, open your eyes consciously, and for a few minutes start to analyse your inner state, the thoughts and feelings that come to you. You will discover that you have received the solution to a problem, insights into a matter that is preoccupyi...
Daily meditations... and try to come closer to the divine centre within. You will gradually begin to feel that those thoughts, feelings or desires not resonating harmoniously are led back to this centre to revolve around it as intended.
You suffer from your inabil...
Daily meditations...he food and drink we consume at each meal. Sounds, perfumes and colours, as well as feelings and thoughts, can also be food. Feeding oneself in this way is, of course, more difficult, but it is possible. You too can do so in certain situations;...
Daily meditations...sow and plant. But there, of course, the seeds and seedlings are of a different nature: they are thoughts, feelings, actions, words, looks and smiles inspired by everything that is best in your heart and soul. And in return, you will receive an...
Daily meditations... has an effect on all men and women in the world. Gradually, they will begin to have different thoughts, different wishes – better, more generous ones. If there were hundreds, thousands of us doing this exercise, a new breath, a divine breath, ...
Daily meditations...n mind. Instead of always expecting everything to come from the outside, try to use your thoughts and your will to tap into as many of the elements as you need to nourish yourself physically and psychically. The teaching of the initiates has al...
Daily meditations...k in you too, so that you can give beautiful, fragrant, succulent fruit, that is, luminous thoughts and warm feelings....
Daily meditations...hose particles, if you can preserve them and even develop them, you will sense in time that your thoughts, as well as your feelings and even your health, are improving. All you should seek from a Master are the right conditions for living the d...
Daily meditations..., different from our physical eyes. We work at purifying this eye by nurturing disinterested thoughts, feelings and wishes, truly believing that this eye also protects us, since it is watching us.
In daily life, those who are conscientious, res...
Daily meditations...people disturb you so much, all the more reason for bettering yourself and sending them good thoughts....
Daily meditations...eing and joy as well as suffering and sadness are brought to them by entities attracted by their thoughts, feelings, desires and activities. If those who suffer from anxiety or fear were clairvoyant, they would see grimacing beings stinging, bi...
Daily meditations...for light is food we must take in and digest each day, so that it can become in us feelings, thoughts and inspiration. Why do people not use the same logic with regard to light as they do to food?...
Daily meditations...punished. They do it on other levels, where they run much less risk: they steal other people's thoughts and feelings, or else they tarnish their reputation, dishearten them or tear them to shreds when they speak or write about them.
So, the sam...
Daily meditations...Disciples learn to rally their thoughts, their desires and even all the tendencies of their lower nature to fulfil a sublime ideal. But perhaps you are unaware that the sun can help you achieve this task of unification and harmonization. As you...
Daily meditations... the forces of nature no longer take place properly. In the same way, if they do not watch their thoughts, feelings and actions, they allow impurities into their psychic body. These form a thick screen, which, of course, cuts off communication ...
Daily meditations...ould not expose them. They should be protected, watched over, and you should feed them your best thoughts and feelings....
Daily meditations...carry them within you, and because of them you have a garden full of fruit, yes, a garden of thoughts and feelings. Well, it is the same with the sun, because everything in the universe is built on the same model....
Daily meditations... divine potential. This is how I work with you and how you too must work – by nurturing sacred thoughts for one another. By doing so, you stop focusing on details that are not so wonderful and concentrate instead on the divine Principle in peop...
Daily meditations...ust also care for other dwellings – our astral and mental bodies – which means purifying our thoughts and feelings, getting rid of every element of selfishness, aggression and so on that they contain, so that we may resonate in harmony with the...
Daily meditations...fe principle is of a more mental and spiritual order, and those who strive to feed it with right thoughts and generous feelings can delay the action of the death principle.
Of course, even if we do this work we will never escape old age and dea...
Daily meditations...t is, the work the spirit within us has done on our instincts, our desires, our feelings and our thoughts....
Daily meditations... knowledge consists in being able to preserve your life, knowing that the very quality of your thoughts and feelings is enough to affect your energy reserves and the very essence of your being. And so the best way of preserving your life is to ...
Daily meditations...them and imagine everyone is in league against them. This has a very negative influence on their thoughts and feelings: they rebel, and in doing so they lose their light and their love. And all because they refuse to admit that they have been u...
Daily meditations...Science has discovered the movement of waves in space. But thoughts, feelings and actions also produce waves that spread. It follows from this that there is a kind of magnetic connection between humans, and if you are forever thinking about oth...
Daily meditations...itself, but its consequences go beyond the rubble and the countless dead bodies left behind. The thoughts and feelings of hatred that led to those massacres continue to feed destructive currents in space. These currents poison the psychic atmos...
Daily meditations... never alone, that we are constantly observed, watched by the invisible world, which records our thoughts, our feelings, our plans, our actions; and the whole of our future is dependent on what is contained in those recordings. Behaving impecca...
Daily a long while in silence and in stillness, and then begin to elevate yourself through your thoughts. Imagine you are gradually leaving your body through the opening at the top of your skull. Keep imagining yourself rising through your causal,...
Daily meditations...Thoughts and feelings are currents of force. This is why you must always be careful about the quality of what you accept into your head and heart; in fact, that must be one of your main concerns. Each day, try to devote at least a few minutes t...
Daily meditations... yourself into space but also to create. Music facilitates mental work: instead of allowing your thoughts to drift, you should, on the contrary, be conscious and engage your mind, so that you can achieve something beautiful and noble inside you...
Daily meditations...sks you can achieve with it! But on one condition: that it is focused. So long as you allow your thoughts to drift, wander and roam, of course you will be unable to do anything with them. Concentration is an essential activity of the spiritual ...
Daily meditations...they be sensible enough not to make exaggerated claims? If they do not know how to control their thoughts and their feelings, what are the effects going to be? Certain revelations are dangerous, as they may be disturbing and awaken in some the ...
Daily be mastered: you can decide to speak or not to speak, and if you speak you can hide your true thoughts and feelings. But all the unconscious gestures you make with your hands or your feet, the different positions your body takes up, the impe...
Daily meditations... there are no periods, no seasons; they have to be able to give fruits, that is to say, luminous thoughts and warm feelings, at any time. For the Lord can come at any moment; he does not wait for any particular period, and he does not give adva...
Daily meditations...s not effort that tires you; no, it is the tendency to open your mind and heart to dark, heavy thoughts and feelings. How can you not be tired when you are a burden to yourself?...
Daily in peace!' That depends on what you call peace. If being able to give free rein to your thoughts, feelings, desires and whims indiscriminately is what you call peace, do not be surprised if a few truths you heard from a sage, an initiate, co...
Daily meditations...carries a child in her womb. While she is carrying her child, she can influence it through her thoughts, feelings and wishes to walk the path of light. Then, the child is born, and what everyone here sees as a beginning is, in fact, the end of ...