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Daily Meditation: Thursday, August 2, 2012

Evolution, each person’s - contributes to collective evolution

Don’t say you have never noticed at least one quality in all the people you criticize – an artistic gift, for example, or an appreciation of order and cleanliness, a serious attitude towards work, faithfulness… There is no shortage of situations where people can express themselves usefully or pleasantly. Well, focus on at least one quality in each person, and even look for ways you can help them to develop it; it will be of greater benefit to them and to you. Each person’s evolution contributes to the collective evolution. The more you progress, the more you carry others along with you. Each person’s behaviour affects the whole world. And if the failings of certain people disturb you so much, all the more reason for bettering yourself and sending them good thoughts.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
