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Result: 'Men' (126)

Daily meditationsEarth, water, air and fire – the four elements – make up the substance of all creatures in the universe. These elements make it possible for everything to come into being, from stones all the way to the throne of God, including the angelic ...
Daily meditationsEveryone from time to time should go back over the events they have experienced and how they lived them, as well as the people they have met – those who contributed good things as well as those who caused them difficulties. Even if there are no ...
Daily meditations...ce so long as humans are unable to build monuments of light and love in the invisible with their thoughts, feelings and will. These invisible constructions are just as real as buildings of concrete or glass, and more effective. It is just such ...
Daily meditationsHeaven is not so inaccessible; it is much closer than you imagine. It often gives you signs and intervenes in situations in your life, but you do not take any notice. Or for a few moments you feel something pure and luminous close by, and soon after ...
Daily levels of life. True spirituality consists in using any kind of work as a means to bring your thoughts, feelings and movements into tune with cosmic harmony. Each movement you imbue with a divine idea is recorded in the archives of your high...
Daily meditationsObserve what is happening around you and in the world. So often you will see people busily leading each other down paths where they are bound to meet with physical and psychological ruin! Look what keeps them busy, what they are distracted and ...
Daily meditationsAlways maintain an ideal of perfection. But do not let your desire to improve yourself be solely for your own evolution: consider that it must also be useful, beneficial, for the whole world. All progress in future should be along those lines.Up ...
Daily meditationsThe discouragement we sometimes experience is a sign that the inner link that should exist between our earthly and heavenly natures has broken. Our earthly nature is like a piece of matter to which our heavenly nature must constantly bring light and ...
Daily meditationsTo avoid falling into the traps life inevitably sets us at one time or another, we must chiefly develop two qualities: discernment and humility. Discernment is a quality of the mind and humility a quality of the heart.Discernment enables us to ...
Daily meditations...s not effort that tires you; no, it is the tendency to open your mind and heart to dark, heavy thoughts and feelings. How can you not be tired when you are a burden to yourself?...
Daily meditationsIt goes without saying that people are not perfect; this imperfection is part of their nature. But realize that they are on the path of evolution, just as you are, and even if you cannot yet see what they will become in the future, this is no reason ...
Daily meditationsAdvertisements offer you objects and products of all kinds that will supposedly bring you health, beauty, comfort, well-being – even happiness! Everything is there to entice people and, above all, to delude them. Because even if one day they did own ...
Daily meditationsIn any domain, balance derives from the existence of two opposite, complementary principles, the masculine and the feminine. It is a reality we cannot deny. This is why the tendency for today's men and women to behave and dress alike and also to ...
Daily meditations...s. Each person sees things only through their own eyes, and what they see is shaped by their own thoughts and feelings. If you meet people who only talk about others' faults, know that what they are revealing is mainly about themselves, one way...
Daily meditationsWhen you are getting ready to pray, meditate or watch the sun rise, tell yourself, ‘I am with purity, I am with the light, I am with my beloved, the Lord; I am with my beloved, the divine Mother. Nothing else must count, only this moment when I can ...
Daily meditationsDo you aspire to encountering what is infinitely great and feeling a connection with it? Then begin by touching what is infinitely small. This means that to reach God you must begin by focusing on the cells of your body. If you think of your cells ...
Daily meditationsFor centuries, especially during the Middle Ages, the Church was forever striking fear into Christians about the punishments of hell. They claimed they were doing so in order to save souls, but in reality this approach also resulted in a great deal ...
Daily meditationsIt is attention that sustains love and aliveness. So, give your attention to the trees and the flowers you meet on your path, to the dewdrops, the butterflies and the birds.You can also take this advice in an inner sense. For within you too there ...
Daily meditationsClearly, those who want to be successful in life must possess certain abilities and must work. But that is not enough. They must also be discerning, so they know what direction to take, who to associate with, and so on.And how do they acquire this ...
Daily meditationsFor hundreds and thousands of years, men have exercised authority over women, used force with them and controlled them… But now we see the situation being reversed: women are standing up for themselves. They no longer accept men's domination; they ...
Daily meditationsWhen Jesus was led before Pilate to be judged, Pilate asked him, ‘Are you the King of the Jews?' and Jesus simply replied, ‘You say so'. But he added, ‘My kingdom is not from this world.' For Jesus had no worldly ambition. For him true royalty was ...
Daily meditationsIn moments of discouragement, artists (painters, composers, poets, novelists, playwrights, etc.) have been known to destroy some of their masterpieces. This is a shame, for they harm themselves and also deprive humanity of something great and ...
Daily meditationsCosmic Intelligence has given human beings the gift of a mind, a heart and a will. To satisfy their mind, they need to think; to satisfy their heart, they need to experience feelings; to satisfy their will, they need to act. And it is in action that ...
Daily meditationsSome people, believing this is enough to excuse their weaknesses, say, 'That's how it is, I can't help it, I'm made like that!' Well, that is a purely biological argument and is not at all convincing. We are all 'made like that'! But we all also ...
Daily meditationsAnyone who wishes to devote themselves exclusively to prayer, meditation and the work of thought, while totally doing away with physical work, will produce great anomalies within themselves. Humans are created to live in the three worlds - the ...
Daily meditationsHuman beings need physical, substantial nourishment to keep them alive. But in the invisible world, there are creatures that live only on fragrance, colour and sound. Many people will no doubt find it difficult to accept that beyond the mineral, ...
Daily meditations...indisposed. On the other hand, even when your day was not so great, if you go to bed with good thoughts and feelings, these last moments will repair everything, brighten everything, and you will wake up the next day in the best of moods. Well, ...
Daily meditationsIn our personal life, each of us must prepare the conditions for the collective life, for the cosmic, universal life. Once we have begun to take care of our own development, we must ask ourselves how we can become a member of the collectivity and ...
Daily meditationsObserve yourself in order to discover your mental habits, and right away try to correct those that appear the most detrimental to your evolution. If you do nothing, over time you will gradually become total prisoners. And do not say: ‘Oh, when the ...
Daily meditationsNow and then take a look at yourself and say: ‘I always believe myself to be irreproachable, of course, but where is the proof? Is my intellect lucid? Is my heart filled with love for the Creator and his creatures? Is my will so strong that no one ...
Daily meditationsDiscouragement is one of the most negative states human beings can experience, because it deprives them of most of their energy. You should know, however, that even in the worst moments, this discouragement contains elements which, if you know how ...
Daily meditationsYou can only nourish your inner life by being conscious of all the beings around you. When you are outside in nature, then, remember to address the spirits who live there as well as the angels of the four elements. Say to them: 'Be blessed, you ...
Daily meditationsThere is a close relationship between sentiment and gesture. When you experience anger or love, why does this feeling blaze a trail all the way to the physical plane? Whether you want to or not, you make gestures which correspond to it. When you ...
Daily meditationsEven if you are absolutely convinced of the soundness of your spiritual commitment, there are times when you feel tired and begin to doubt. You wonder whether your efforts to walk in the path of goodness and to surpass yourself are worthwhile, and ...
Daily meditationsThe only instruments that interest human beings are those which are continually produced and perfected by science and technology for their convenience or entertainment. They neglect those infinitely richer and more beautiful devices which the ...
Daily meditationsBecause human beings take so much pleasure in observing the negative aspects of others, in discussing them and deciding how they should be punished, they imagine that God does the same thing. But why do they attribute to God all their own unhealthy ...
Daily meditationsSomeone who is truly directed by a high ideal is never discouraged. The mere presence within him of this high ideal that feeds and guides him makes him happy. He knows, he feels that he is walking on the right path, that nothing will ever hinder his ...
Daily meditations...n communicate with this cosmic water and ask it to purify you. You can also entrust it with your thoughts, your feelings and your highest desires both for yourself and for the whole world. Some of you will protest: ‘But that is awful, you are a...
Daily meditations... understand the words I am saying. No, but these words produce specific effects according to the thoughts, feelings and force I put into them. When I address water, I know that my words are only a support for the pure energies that will enter i...
Daily meditationsThose who decide to follow a spiritual teaching, sensing that it is their path, have to change many things in their thinking and way of life. It is not always easy for them, and especially since they are not alone: they have family, friends, ...
Daily meditationsAny attempt to attack religion in the name of objectivity, of science or of reason is an enterprise doomed to failure, because we can no more suppress religious feeling than we can suppress other feelings. This is a domain in which reason by itself ...
Daily meditationsThe Ancients defined the four elements in terms of the four states of matter: solid, liquid, gaseous and igneous. Everything that is solid, they called earth; everything that is liquid, water; everything that is gaseous, air; and everything that is ...
Daily meditationsOn the physical level, of course, women are weaker than men, but women have immense power. This power lies in their special magnetism which emanates from them in the form of tiny subtle particles. It is not in the physical realm that women have the ...
Daily meditationsOn the physical level, of course, women are weaker than men, but their power lies elsewhere – in their special magnetism which emanates from them in the form of tiny, very subtle particles. And if some men see them as witches, magicians or nature ...
Daily meditationsPeople are seldom conscious of their bad mental habits. For example, some people may already be tense and on edge before undertaking a task; others instantly react with negativity or panic when faced with a new situation; while others rebel, and yet ...
Daily meditationsThose who have done wrong will sooner or later fall victim to the disorder they have created within themselves. Even though they may believe themselves to be very powerful and free to do as they please, these bad deeds are etched in their conscience ...
Daily meditationsMan (the masculine principle) and woman (the feminine principle) represent two poles and these two poles are creative because they make exchanges. These exchanges may take place in the physical plane, but they can also be made in the more subtle ...
Daily meditationsMonotheist religions have represented the Lord as a ruthless, vindictive and jealous master who sees everything we do and punishes even the slightest wrong-doing. The truth is that the Lord does not even want to see our wrong-doings. He embodies ...
Daily meditationsIt is important to know the difference between true sensitivity and unhealthy sensitivity, which is more touchiness or sentimentality. True sensitivity is a spiritual faculty that allows us to ascend very high and have access to a subtler world. ...
Daily meditationsTry to realize the importance of the moment you wake up in the morning, because the rest of your day depends on it and the rest of your life depends on this day. If you do not live today correctly, you will spend each tomorrow repairing the ...
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