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Daily Meditation: Sunday, June 6, 2010

Time - shows us the far-off con­sequences of what we under­take

We all make plans with clearly defined intentions, but it is impossible to tell whether or not events will eventually turn out well. You make plans to go on a trip, form a society or move house; even if these seem right to you, the far-off consequences of what you are embarking on will in fact always elude you. Or perhaps you want to harm someone you see as a competitor, a rival, an adversary, and you succeed in doing so, but you can't really tell whether you have done them any great harm. It has so often happened that someone others have wanted to harm has, through a whole chain of circumstances, eventually achieved success and happiness instead! What is good and what is bad... You should always wait before forming an opinion: only time can tell what is really the case. This matter can only be understood by studying examples from one's own life and from the history of humanity.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
