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Daily Meditation: Friday, April 12, 2024

Third eye - it warns us of dangers and obstacles

Human beings court misfortune because they do not see the dangers awaiting them if they make such and such a decision, or launch into such and such a venture. They set out so happily, without insight or foresight, and throw themselves head first into difficulties. If only they had known how to develop their inner vision, they would have been warned, because that inner sight, known as the third eye, is like radar, sending out waves that return with warning of obstacles along the way. But in most people this radar has broken down because the disorderly lives they lead prevents it from working properly. It is true that there are cases when this spiritual eye, however well developed, does not give us due warning: when the Twenty-Four Elders, the Lords of Destiny, have decreed beforehand that certain events must necessarily come to pass. Even though we may sense or see them coming, we cannot avoid them, and must cope with them with the light of Initiatic Science. But generally, if we have prepared the right conditions for it, this spiritual eye is there to warn us and guide us.*

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
