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Daily Meditation: Friday, March 23, 2018

Stars - their influence

As the ancient astrologers have taught us, ‘The stars predispose but do not determine.’ Yes, the stars exert an influence, but human beings have the power to resist it. To illustrate how the stars affect us, take the example of a pretty young girl: when she meets a boy, she does not say, ‘Come with me, hug me.’ She does not throw herself at him, or even approach him; she may even feign indifference. But she makes herself attractive and strikes poses. Since the boy, of course, is not unaffected by this ploy, it is he who makes the advances. You see, even though she said nothing and did nothing, she nevertheless influenced him. Why? Because he is weak. The stars are exactly like pretty girls: they manage to awaken something in humans, and if they are weak, they succumb. The stars may inspire in us a flash of anger, for example, and we rush out to confront our neighbour. Later the stars might say, ‘But we did not force you!’ Yes, this is true, we could have resisted.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
