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Result: 'Vie' (5)

Daily meditationsThe most serious failing of human beings, the one which creates the greatest obstacle to their evolution, is their unshakeable belief in the infallibility of their reasoning and their points of view. They protect their positions; they cultivate them ...
Daily meditations...ur view, but it is useless to renounce them if we do not at the same time rid ourselves of the thoughts, feelings and desires that encumber us even further and cloud our inner view. ...
Daily meditationsNo other failing gives rise to as much disappointment and misfortune to human beings, as the stubborn defence of certain beliefs and points of view, without testing their validity. People persist in thinking they are right, even when all sorts of ...
Daily meditationsSome people will always see the good side of any situation, while others, on the contrary, see only the negative aspect. In a way, both are right, but their way of seeing things affects them differently.From an objective point of view, we can say a ...
Daily meditationsThe conclusions we draw about people and events depend on our point of view. From the geocentric point of view, we observe that the sun rises, sets and turns around the earth. But this is only true in appearance, and in the same way, those who ...