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'Summit' (13)

Daily meditationsWe should not think of a summit simply as a place that is higher the rest. Symbolically, every summit is a vital centre of the purest and most penetrating energies. This is why it commands the respect of all living creatures. Omnipotence—the ...
Daily meditationsThe summits of mountains could be said to play the role of antennae in that they pick up currents from space: they connect heaven and earth. When the snow and ice begin to melt, the water circulating on the surface of the earth and also soaking into ...
Daily meditationsJust as sages isolate themselves in deserts, caves or in the mountains so as to find silence and peace, so nature spirits take refuge in places as yet undisturbed or unsullied by humans. In most mythologies, mountains are said to be the abode of the ...
Daily meditationsOur vision is limited when we are at the foot of a mountain. But when we climb to the top, our view carries a long way in front of us and around us, and we discover the whole panorama. A mountain, with its base and summit, also symbolizes our ...
Daily meditationsIn our inner life, our spiritual life, we should wish for a place at the King's side, but in the affairs of the world it is better not to aspire to such a high position. If you are really needed, they are sure to find you, but there is no guarantee ...
Daily meditationsIn many traditions, the universe is represented as a mountain, on the summit of which the Divinity has his dwelling, inaccessible and inviolate. The Greeks situated their gods on the top of Mount Olympus, and Moses spoke to God on Mount Horeb. ...
Daily meditationsNo problem is insoluble. No illness, no psychological state, however serious it may be, is incurable. Nothing is hopeless, but only on condition that you are able to attain the summit: God, who reigns both in the universe and in us. This is an ...
Daily meditationsThe image of a summit is one of the most significant representations of our spiritual development. The summit is the goal to be attained, the most elevated point upon which we must fix our sights and toward which we must direct all our energies. ...
Daily meditationsEven if you need to make an urgent decision, do not rush. Try to use your thought to elevate yourself to a summit from where you will have a clear view of the situation. And in order to be able to cope with all of life's circumstances, whenever you ...
Daily meditationsAn unknown, insignificant member of society has no power to intervene in affairs of state. In order to be able to do so, you have to reach the centre (or the top, which is symbolically the same), where the king or the president is, and become their ...
Daily meditationsHierarchy is an order on an ascending scale in which not only are the lower elements subject to the higher ones, but in which the actions of the different elements converge towards a summit, towards a centre. This idea of convergence is essential. ...
Daily meditationsIn certain traditions, the universe is represented as a mountain whose summit is God's inaccessible, inviolate dwelling place. The Greek gods dwelt on the top of Mount Olympus; Moses spoke to God on Mount Sinai, and so forth. Initiates have always ...
Daily meditationsGet into the habit of focusing on the summit, that highest point from which you can see the truth about beings and things. Of course, the distance between you and this summit is immense, insurmountable even, and only those who truly live a pure and ...