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'Purity' (22)

Daily meditationsPurity does not consist in guarding against all contact, as if shut up in a jar. No, the kind of purity which thinks only in terms of self-protection is useless and even harmful. True purity is divine love, because divine love is life, is the water ...
Daily meditations...r of being able to discern the nature of the movements of one's inner life and analyse one's thoughts, feelings, desires and plans. And as these thoughts, feelings, desires and plans are often malicious and selfish, it is then necessary to work...
Daily meditationsFor many people, purity is a marvellous state for which they feel nostalgic, because they associate it with childhood, with the lost innocence they will never find again. And since it is permanently lost, they tell themselves it is not worth ...
Daily meditationsIf you tell someone they ought to work on purity, you can be certain you will be misunderstood: they will immediately think you want them to deprive themselves, especially sexually. In fact, often they confuse not only purity and chastity but even ...
Daily meditationsThe genital organs not only allow humans to ensure the perpetuation of the species, they also enable them to take part in the divine life. But Christianity has never really wished to or known how to speak correctly on this subject. Firstly, it ...
Daily meditations...ect of it. There are other higher, more essential forms of purity. True purity is found first in thoughts, feelings and desires: it is a virtue that consists in not keeping the good we possess just for ourselves. We must try in any way we can t...
Daily meditationsSpeak of purity, and not many people will listen. Some consider it an old-fashioned virtue they don't have to concern themselves with, for they identify it with chastity and, these days, well… chastity! For others, it is a marvellous state they feel ...
Daily meditationsPurity does not consist in guarding against all contact, as if shut up in a jar. No, this kind of purity, which thinks only in terms of self-protection, is useless, even harmful. True purity is divine love, because divine love is life; it is the ...
Daily meditations...e practice of esotericism and occultism without having sought to purify their inner world, their thoughts and their feelings. And so they merely flounder in the lower layers of the astral plane and will never know the reality of the spiritual w...
Daily meditationsPurity is essential if we are to grow and blossom. It is a prerequisite for our health, our energy, our beauty, our intelligence, our joy and our love. Why? Because impurities create obstacles to the circulation of energy, whether it be physical or ...
Daily meditationsThanks to scientific and technological progress, humanity has gained significant power over matter, and we can therefore say that the past century has surpassed all others before it. However, the material world now fascinates our contemporaries and ...
Daily meditations...ce is purity. In reality, something is pure when it has not been soiled and corrupted by selfish thoughts and passionate feelings of lust, jealousy and possessiveness. To be pure it is not enough to abstain from all sexual relations. If only it...
Daily meditationsWhen we say that a man or a woman is a saint, we generally think of their qualities such as goodness, patience, self-sacrifice, and forgiveness of offenses. These are the qualities of a heart that harbours no selfish or aggressive feelings – a pure ...
Daily meditations...ceptive. If they are seeking purity, as they claim to be, let them begin by working on their own thoughts, feelings and desires. When others sense something clear and light-filled emanating from them, perhaps they will allow themselves to be in...
Daily meditations..., so they continue to swallow anything that comes along: indigestible food, polluted air, dark thoughts and chaotic feelings. When will they understand that it is these impurities that create so many problems for them? If they worked on purity,...
Daily meditationsYou must never forget that your inner states do not just concern you alone; they also affect those around you. If you are impure, you soil others through your emanations. Of course, you want to do good, but you must realize that you cannot do good ...
Daily meditationsIf you have a minor health problem – a migraine, a pimple or indigestion – do not try to get rid of it at once by taking medicine. Yes, because nature may well be giving you this problem in order to urge you to do some work on the psychic plane that ...
Daily meditations... that the air you breathe is clean. For the good of your psychic bodies, you must entertain only thoughts and feelings that are pure. But there are also some exercises you can do. For instance, several times a day you can imagine that you are ...
Daily meditationsWhether you are pure or impure is not revealed by a gesture or an action, but rather by the intention, the idea, the feeling or desire that lies behind that gesture or action. To be pure is to be able, in whatever you do, to rise within yourself and ...
Daily are a fertile ground for microbes and viruses. The purity of our blood as well as that of our thoughts and feelings is our best defence against illness. But once ill has entered our thoughts and feelings, our hearts and our desires, the door...
Daily, realize that they are harbouring these same inconveniences within themselves, in the form of thoughts, feelings and desires that are like stains, dust and trash, which block up their spiritual channels and prevent divine light from reaching...
Daily meditationsIf you work seriously and in depth to purify yourself, light will flow into you more and more readily, and you will begin to see things more clearly and with greater lucidity. The sickly particles in your body will be eliminated and your physical ...