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Daily Meditation: Friday, January 10, 2025

Powers of thought - learn to use them to do good

You need not worry about whether your thoughts and desires will be realized; sooner or later, they will be. The only thing you need to worry about is whether these thoughts* and desires are good or bad, because if they are bad, you will be the one to cry out in distress the day they materialize, for then there will be no escape for you. Unfortunately, in their present state of evolution, the first thing human beings want to do when certain means and possibilities are revealed to them, is to use them for their own personal, selfish ends, and this is very dangerous. This is why the Initiates of the past divulged very little about the powers of thought. But whether revelations are made to them or not, human beings use these powers unconsciously: they wish, they covet and they imagine. So to leave them in ignorance is no safeguard, either for them or for those around them. This is why it is better to instruct them, while warning them that they must learn to use the means they possess to do good; otherwise these powers will eventually turn against them.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
See the book Life Force, chapter VI

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
