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'Evolution' (27)

Daily meditations...masters are so necessary: thanks to their pure lives, to their emanations, to their feelings and thoughts of love and wisdom, these beings succeed in stirring something within us. And if they do not always manage to do so, it is not because the...
Daily meditationsHuman history is a succession of changes. Nothing remains static, for life is in perpetual movement. We would like to believe that this movement always represents progress and moves in the direction of evolution. But, unfortunately, we cannot help ...
Daily meditationsIt is right that wicked people should be punished, but you should still love them. What you should love in them is that they are God's creatures, who are finding it difficult to emerge from darkness; this thought will allow you to tolerate them more ...
Daily meditationsAnyone who gives way to violence, in their words or their actions, introduces this violence into themselves first. They are opening the door to the seeds of disintegration, and they gradually become prey to chaotic forces, which begin to ravage ...
Daily meditations...people disturb you so much, all the more reason for bettering yourself and sending them good thoughts....
Daily meditationsWhat sort of ideal do people have? To have a family, a career, a car and a house with every convenience. That is enough for them; they are satisfied with this mediocre life. From time to time, of course, they read a few books, listen to records, go ...
Daily meditationsIt isn't hard to see how human evolution corresponds to the evolution of the earth! Yes, most men and women are like earths being formed: they have not yet succeeded in making their inner ground really stable – it is always bubbling up, being shaken ...
Daily meditationsThe process by which human beings descended from the heavenly regions is what we call involution. As they came down into matter, distancing themselves from the primordial fire, they took increasingly dense bodies, ending with the physical body. It's ...
Daily meditationsWe are on earth, and earth is not the garden of delights we call Paradise; we are treated harshly here. We must get down to work; otherwise, we will continue to ask ourselves unanswerable questions. In humanity's present state, no one can avoid ...
Daily meditationsIt is right that the wicked get punished, but you should still have some love for them. You must love them as creatures of God who are having trouble coming out of the darkness, and that thought enables you to tolerate them. Observe yourself: when ...
Daily meditationsMuch time and, above all, hard work are necessary before you can obtain results in the spiritual life. Look at how many millions of years it takes for stones to become plants, how many millions of years for plants to become animals, and then for ...
Daily meditationsThe widest disparity exists between human beings, and yet all of them, no matter how vulgar and materialistic, have been created in the same workshops as the greatest geniuses and the greatest initiates, The only difference is that the time has not ...
Daily meditationsIn what way do stones, plants, animals and humans differ in their degree of evolution? The essential difference between them is their degree of sensitivity. Evolution is directly proportional to sensitivity, or in other words, to the faculty of ...
Daily meditationsEvery day we must deal with the question of container and content, or, expressed differently, form and force, in order to create a synthesis of the two. What does it mean to create a synthesis of form and force? It means we must protect the form ...
Daily meditationsHuman beings are so different in the ways they express and conduct themselves! Some are forever motivated to go further and to achieve great things, whereas others are exclusively occupied with trivialities and pettiness. We ask ourselves: ‘But what ...
Daily meditationsSince you have decided to follow a spiritual teaching, do not be negligent; accept the advice and methods that your Master gives you and strive to apply them. The disciple who does not take seriously the lessons his Master gives him blocks his own ...
Daily meditationsHow to get along with others is the most important problem that human beings have to solve every day. Work on yourself, therefore, in order to develop the psychic and moral qualities which will allow you to better understand and accept others. For ...
Daily meditationsUnlike the generally accepted theory, humans did not descend from the ape or any other animal. Billions of years ago when Earth's crust solidified, plants appeared, followed by animals, and finally by humans. Evolution certainly took place from ...
Daily meditationsSages and spiritual Masters are not all-powerful, and they know this, which is why they deal only with those they feel are able and, above all, willing to progress. It is pointless getting indignant and saying that a spiritual Master should have ...
Daily meditationsThere is no such thing as a place of eternal damnation for sinners, and what Christians call hell is a fabrication. Only purgatory exists, which, as the name implies, is the region where, for a greater or shorter length of time, humans ‘purge ...
Daily meditationsIt is essential for you to know how to achieve the synthesis of form and force: the form has to be protected so as not to be shattered by spiritual forces, and at the same time, the fire of the spirit must be maintained so that it can continue to ...
Daily meditationsThe main difference between the different realms of nature – minerals, plants, animals and human beings – is their degree of sensitivity, for evolution is directly proportional to sensitivity.Plants are more sensitive than stones, animals are more ...
Daily meditationsWhen we look at the various regions of the universe, we find that what differentiates them is the vibrational frequency of their constituent particles. From the mineral kingdom to the human kingdom and beyond, through the angelic orders up to the ...
Daily meditationsIn response to a question he was asked, Master Peter Deunov once said you could tell what a person's degree of evolution was by the intensity of the light emanating from them.I was very young at the time, I did not yet have these criteria and this ...
Daily meditationsHuman beings' descent into matter is neither a mistake nor an accident of evolution. It was planned by Cosmic Intelligence. To gain absolute knowledge, human beings need to develop their intellectual faculties, and in order to do this they needed to ...
Daily meditationsWe have to struggle against the weight and obscurity of our own being every day. Yes, each and every day. You might say, ‘How long will this last?' As long as human beings reincarnate on earth, they must take on a physical body, and a physical body ...
Daily meditationsThose who refuse to take into account the experiences of others show a misguided spirit of independence. Besides, whether they admit it or not, they cannot ignore them entirely.What do novelists, poets and philosophers do? They live their lives then ...