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'Univers' (45)

Daily meditationsThe universe is like a tree. In fact, in many religious traditions the Cosmic Tree is a symbol of Creation. Depending on their degree of evolution, human beings dwell in either the roots, the trunk or the branches of this tree.The roots absorb ...
Daily meditationsIn the beginning, God, the primordial Fire, the masculine principle, engendered light and projected it into space. Light is the substance of creation. This is why the Book of Genesis says that God created light from the beginning, on the first ...
Daily meditations...iverse, infinity... Rare are those who have reached beyond all these limitations, whose desires, thoughts, and interests converge on the collective, universal aspect of life. It is in this direction that we must strive....
Daily meditationsIt is natural that everyone is attached to their family, their region, their country and that they work to support them. But that does not prevent them expanding their field of consciousness and thinking much further, much higher. In their heart, in ...
Daily meditationsThose who get married add new members to their family: a father-in-law, a mother-in-law and any number of sisters- and brothers-in-law, nephews, nieces, cousins, and so on. But that does not necessarily make them more aware of what a family really ...
Daily meditationsWe belong to a vast family, scattered not only over the entire surface of the globe but also on other planets and on the stars. Each day, the divine world sends messages to all the members of this family. But these messages are not like the ...
Daily meditationsEach morning when you wake up, and several times during the day, think of the universal Soul, as if it were a tuning-fork you had to resonate with. In this way, little by little, you will enter cosmic harmony. Imagine you are a musical instrument ...
Daily meditationsAll human beings are a part of the great body of nature, so they must endeavour to live in harmony with it. Even if they see themselves as individual beings with their own life, they belong to a whole, and they must consider how they can reconcile ...
Daily meditationsThe natural tendency in humans is to shut themselves away from collective, universal life and only live their personal life. They imagine they will remain safe if they are apart from one another. No – they are mistaken. They create an inner ...
Daily meditationsIf you know how to apply the Teaching of the Universal White Brotherhood, it will reveal to you invaluable truths. Why? Because whatever changes occur in the world, these truths will be of value for all eternity: how to gain self-control, how to ...
Daily meditationsHuman beings tend to shut off from collective, universal, cosmic life and live only a personal, individual life. They imagine that safe from one another they will be protected. Well, no, this is an illusion. In the inner isolation they create for ...
Daily meditationsHeaven and earth belong to us. Yes, they belong to us; we possess them, but inside us. Why should they belong to us outside, materially? What would we do with all those seas, forests, mountains and stars?Imagine a very rich man who owns gardens full ...
Daily meditationsCosmic Intelligence has given every creature a specific sound, so that each can be a part of the universal symphony. Humans are the only ones able to remove themselves from this symphony, for the Creator has also given them free will. If they make ...
Daily meditationsYou say you understand the Teaching of the Universal White Brotherhood and are convinced of its value. But know that for this to be true there are three conditions that must be met.First, you must accept an idea that is higher than all other ideas: ...
Daily meditationsWhen children are learning to read, they must begin by identifying the letters of the alphabet. Gradually, they start to recognize them in the words they encounter, until one day they manage to read whole sentences. In the same way, during ...
Daily meditationsAnything you do solely for your personal satisfaction cannot be lasting. You may get what you want, but it will eventually rebound on you. You think you are grasping it securely, and then it escapes. You thought it was gold, and now it has turned to ...
Daily meditationsI do not preach renunciation of the world and life in society and devotion of all one's time to meditation and prayer. Other teachings have done so, and they had their reasons. But the goal of the Teaching of the Universal White Brotherhood is a ...
Daily meditationsWe will never really know what a human being is as long as we overlook this truth: everything that exists in the universe, from stones and plants right up to the archangels and to God, exists also within humans. This is why the universe is called ...
Daily carry out in order to be worthy of receiving initiation. When they turn their selfish, petty thoughts and feelings into generous and disinterested ones, they are preparing the philosopher's stone, which transmutes base metals into gold. Wh...
Daily meditationsIn our Brotherhood, we live the great Christian festivals of Christmas and Easter as simply as we live the other days: we pray, meditate and sing. And even if we give special thought to the birth, death or resurrection of Christ, we do nothing ...
Daily meditations...brotherly way with those around us is to be rich, for each of us, with our face, eyes, voice and thoughts, contributes something alive, something warm, which nourishes everyone. If you knew how to receive these blessings, you would draw so much...
Daily meditationsMan will always be driven to find ways to postpone old age and death. This is good, because we have work to accomplish on earth, and a long life gives us greater possibilities. But life belongs to God, and to God alone. Whatever we do, we will never ...
Daily meditationsAlthough it is clear that man's knowledge is very limited, in the depths of his consciousness, unbeknownst to him, he is the repository of all knowledge in the universe. This knowledge is buried very deep within him and remains there, inert, because ...
Daily meditationsWe have seen plans formulated for a Pan- Europe, a Pan-Asia, a Pan America or a Pan-Africa, with the purpose of establishing peace in the world. This represents great progress, of course, but nothing will truly be resolved in this way. Instead of ...
Daily meditationsCosmic Intelligence has given all creatures inhabiting the universe a certain sound. This same Cosmic Intelligence has attuned these creatures to one another so they are able to form a symphony in the vastness of the universe. Unfortunately, what we ...
Daily meditationsA person who marries extends his family: he adds a father-in-law, a mother-in-law, a number of sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law, nephews, nieces, cousins and so on, but this does not necessarily make him more aware of what a family really is. We ...
Daily meditations...tain our physical body: they are also feelings to nourish our astral body; and our heart and thoughts to nurture our mental body, the intellect. To prepare the universal panacea is to endeavour to give our physical body, our heart and our intel...
Daily meditationsLife is expressed in infinite degrees, but to taste the subtlest amongst them, one must go beyond the physical appearance of creatures. One must feel all the currents that emanate from them and which – from the stones to the sun, from the trees to ...
Daily meditationsAs individuals, isolated from others, human beings are weak and powerless. Their strength is based on unity and harmony they can create amongst themselves. As often as possible, therefore, think about this universal family you must form despite your ...
Daily meditations... wonder how everything comes together to create a being who walks, breathes, eats, and expresses thoughts and feelings. They would need to be shown that under the skin they see, there is flesh, organs, muscles, blood vessels, nerves, and so on ...
Daily meditationsWhat is a quality, a virtue? A spiritual being that has come to dwell in humans to manifest itself through them. So, if you want higher beings to come manifest themselves through you, by giving you new light and new powers, prepare the right ...
Daily meditationsEvery human being is seemingly isolated and separate. In reality, there is a spiritual part of us that lives in the collective whole and in all beings, and we must become aware of this in order to feel fulfilled.Sometimes, someone complains to me ...
Daily meditationsWhatever your degree of evolution, always try to further explore your consciousness and develop your faculties even more.Here is an exercise. First of all, remain silent and still for a while, and then through thought, rise up. Imagine you are ...
Daily meditationsInner strength, balance, peace and happiness all depend on love. But you must sense that love is there within your reach, that it is inside you, and that there is no reason to ever feel poor and lonely. If you do feel poor and lonely, then you have ...
Daily meditationsHowever great your knowledge, if your life is not in harmony with the laws of nature, this knowledge will slip from your grasp. However, if you possess the science of life that is taught in initiatic schools, your being will be flooded with eternal, ...
Daily meditationsThe physical or psychic constitution of someone who does not behave reasonably is like the wooden framework of a house that is riddled with woodworm: the worms do not destroy it overnight, but years later, the house suddenly collapses. This pattern ...
Daily meditationsMany so-called spiritual people care only about their own interest, not what is in the interest of the universal collectivity! They have not yet understood that everything they do that is not in tune with the universal order, not only wreaks havoc, ...
Daily meditations... air. Human beings are like bottles of perfume: their bodies are separate, but by means of their thoughts, their soul and their spirit, they can meet with other human beings as well as with entities of the invisible world anywhere in the univer...
Daily meditationsThe science of the future will be the science of light and colours. For light – this seemingly weak and innocuous substance – is in fact the mightiest force in the universe. It is light that sets in motion the whole of creation. Thanks to light, ...
Daily meditationsHuman beings, like the universe itself, are governed by laws, and those who contravene these laws are crushed. Unfortunately, all over the world, we see only people who believe that with any thought whatsoever, any feeling or project, they will ...
Daily meditationsWithout them knowing it, human beings are repositories of all the knowledge in the universe. This knowledge, which is deposited very deep inside them, lies there without moving, without vibrating, because it has not been given the conditions to do ...
Daily meditationsWhen we hear talk of unity in the field of economics, and domestic or international politics, it is always an anarchic unity, like bandits who join together to carry out their crimes. This is not true unity, but this is how people think of it: as ...
Daily meditationsThe Universal White Brotherhood* is not a new religion; it is the religion of Christ presented in a new form adapted to our times. All those who decide to work with the eternal, changeless principles of Christ belong to the Universal White ...
Daily meditationsWe are approaching the end of the age of Pisces and entering the Age of Aquarius* in which great changes will occur. This does not mean that the whole of humankind is going to be transformed overnight. What will change for everyone will be their ...
Daily meditationsSimply because they are creatures, human beings are linked to every created thing in the universe. This means that every human being is bound by invisible, etheric bonds to animals, plants and rocks, as well as to the angels and archangels.* There ...