Daily Meditation: Friday, February 23, 2024
Rosy cross - it symbolizes an initiate, a perfect human being
The Rosicrucian symbol is a red rose at the centre of a cross. The rose represents the heart, the fully developed heart chakra of a human being who, having attained their highest potential, is considered to be a sublimated cross. Humans make the heart chakra blossom through love, whose colour and scent are those of the rose. So, the rosy cross symbolizes an initiate who, having worked to perfect himself, has brought the divine, pure, vivifying love of Christ to its full flowering within his own being. To be an adept of the rosy cross is to be versed in the secrets of all that pertains to the cross, as well as those that pertain to the rose blooming at its centre. The rose in the cross represents the perfect human being who not only possesses the knowledge of all the elements that constitute his physical, psychic and spiritual bodies and how they relate to the cosmos, but who also knows how to make the love of Christ spring forth and flow.*
Omraam Mikhael AivanhovBuy
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