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Daily Meditation: Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Psychology - forgetting our own interests so as to understand others

If people lack psychology to such an extent that they are unable to understand others, despite their desire to do so, it is because they remain too wrapped up in themselves. It is as if they are blinded by the veil of their own selfish, personal, lower nature, which prevents them from discerning what goes on in the minds or hearts of others. Even when they love someone, they cannot manage to see through this veil. That is why they are sometimes taken aback by the changes they suddenly see in their wife, husband, children or friends: changes they did not see or feel coming. Only those who can control their lower nature, and are able to forget their own interests, can become good psychologists.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
