Daily Meditation: Thursday, February 23, 2017
Psychic emanations - pollute or purify the air
Every day we hear people talking about air pollution, every day they complain about fumes from factories, car exhausts. But they themselves, as individuals, what do they often do? Don’t they sometimes poison the psychic atmosphere by their toxic emissions: their thoughts and feelings of hatred, jealousy, anger? Be aware that all the unhealthy thoughts, feelings and desires fermenting in human beings produce foul-smelling and suffocating exhalations. If there were laboratories equipped with sufficiently sophisticated equipment, we would be able to verify that some human emanations are so dirty and impure, that in the psychic world, they have an influence just as toxic as suffocating gas. And we could also come to the opposite conclusion: that the emanations of spiritual beings are extremely beneficial for all creatures. Because such beings have overcome their weaknesses, their presence has a positive effect on all those around them. If the psychic atmosphere of the earth has not yet become completely unbreathable, it is because of the selfless and loving men and women who have dedicated their lives to peace and light.
Omraam Mikhael AivanhovBuy
- ‘In the beginn…
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- Aura
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- Man created in …
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- ‘Be perfect as …