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Daily Meditation: Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Lower nature, the - always resists the higher nature’s good plans

Observe closely the relationship between your lower and higher natures. When you make good resolutions or plan to help someone, be aware that your lower nature is there watching and sending you suggestions, temptations, to deter you. It whispers, ‘But there’s no hurry... There’s time… Why take so much trouble?’ And so it is that, when the time comes, you no longer have as much enthusiasm or conviction, and you give up your plans. Yes, believe it or not, your lower nature is made up of an entire population living inside you, and this population, like any other on earth, does not just consist of honest, noble, generous beings; there are also harmful entities, seeking to express themselves through your heart and mind. You must be aware of this and be watchful, so that you can realize all your good plans.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
