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Daily Meditation: Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Love - only an immense, rich and pure love brings happiness

All human beings must love, but they should not confine their love to their husband or wife. They must love all men and women. Some people may say, ‘Are you urging us to be unfaithful to our spouse?’ Oh dear, as if you needed any urging! Be honest: can you truthfully say that you have never loved another man or woman? Can you deny that many a face seen in passing has crept into your heart and soul where you treasure them? Is this wrong? No, on the contrary, but on condition that while remaining faithful, you do not restrict yourself to those few, but consciously let your love embrace the whole world. Only an immense, rich, pure love such as this can make you happy and bring happiness to the one with whom you share your life. And you must also allow your partner the same freedom to love. In this way you, too, will be the beneficiary of a richer, more beautiful, more luminous love.*

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
See the book Love and Sexuality - Part 2, chapter XXI

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
