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Daily Meditation: Thursday, January 18, 2024

Hand - our five fingers correspond to the five cardinal virtues

Master Peter Deunov gave us this precept: ‘Build your house on a foundation of kindness; let justice be its measure, love its delight, wisdom its limits, and truth its light.’ Kindness corresponds to the physical plane, justice to the etheric plane, love to the astral plane, wisdom to the mental plane, and truth to the causal plane. In the hand, the thumb (which is linked to Venus) represents love; the index finger (linked to Jupiter) represents kindness; the middle finger (linked to Saturn) represents justice; the ring finger (linked to the Sun) represents truth; and the little finger (linked to Mercury) represents wisdom. When you work to cultivate these five virtues, you are working with the fingers of your divine hand, and this gives you great powers of action.*

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
See the book New Light on the Gospels, chapter IX

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
