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Daily Meditation: Sunday, January 15, 2017

Good - its realisation requires sacrifice

Someone might say, ‘I want to do good. I have asked God to point me in the right direction, but I always end up where I should not be. Why does He allow me to stray?’ It is God’s fault, of course, not their own! But has this magnificent being who desires to do good asked themself what they really want? They want an outcome which is easy to achieve, an outcome which does not upset their personal plans, which does not oppose their need for comfort, pleasure, wealth, power and glory. They do not have in mind achieving an outcome that may require much sacrifice. So what can the Lord do with a being who has conceived such a trivial and lazy outcome? So what can God do? He allows them to live their life and do what they want. A person who truly has a high ideal of justice, kindness, generosity and spares no effort to move towards this ideal, receives some internal guidance about the path to follow. And even if they do not start off on the right path, they will be asked to retrace their steps and get back on track.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
