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Daily Meditation: Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Good conditions - learn to use them and not let them pass you by

Many people, suddenly finding themselves in situations they cannot get out of, will recognize how ignorant and weak they are and say to themselves, ‘If only I had known!’ They could have known, because at a certain point they were given all the right conditions for learning, practicing and becoming stronger. But they paid no attention to these conditions: thinking that spiritual life required too much effort, and other activities and projects appeared, at the time, more important to them. You might ask, ‘And if we have allowed these good conditions to pass us by, is it too late now?’ No, it is never too late; the path of life is long, endless, and other good conditions will be given to you in this life or in another. Try therefore not to allow them pass you by, so that never again will you have to say, ‘If only I had known!’

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
