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Daily Meditation: Friday, February 9, 2018

God is faithful and truthful - we are the ones who abandon him

At certain moments in their life believers, even many mystics, have felt as though God had abandoned them. As if it was God who changed towards them. Yes, it is them – they think – who are always steadfast, always unwavering in their faith and love, and God who is fickle! Sacred scriptures say that God is faithful and true, and although believers repeat these words, they are forever wondering why God does not look at them or listen to them, and why he abandons them. But it is not God who abandons us; it is we who abandon him. In what way? Instead of striving to rise above the clouds, we let ourselves go, we descend, and beneath the clouds it is obviously cold and dark. We must stay high above the clouds where cold and darkness do not exist, for it is here that God dwells, and here that, one day, we too may dwell with him.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
