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Daily Meditation: Saturday, August 21, 2021

Gifts - they must be used to enlighten other beings

Thinkers and artists have a duty to reflect on the effects their works may have upon others, because even if human justice leaves them in peace, divine justice will hold them accountable. One day, when they arrive in the other world, they will be shown the damage they have done, and no matter how much they protest, saying that they have not caused all this harm, the reply will be, ‘Yes, these people have suffered because of you, you introduced turmoil into their minds and hearts, you drove them to try risky experiences without warning them of the dangers they ran, you are guilty and you will be punished.’ Everyone must take care to use their gifts to enlighten others, awaken in them love, confidence and the desire to better themselves. Otherwise, they must know that not only will they be punished, but in a future incarnation, they will also be deprived of these gifts.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
