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Daily Meditation: Friday, September 10, 2010

Gifts and faculties - using them for others as well

There is nothing more precious than possessing a quality, a gift, a faculty. That is, providing you are intending to use this gift not just for yourself but for the good of all beings. How many women who are aware of their beauty and exploit it have ever asked themselves what effect they were having on others? Whether we possess beauty or artistic or intellectual abilities, we must try to use them only to awaken the spark, the sacred flower slumbering within each of us. Then we will be drawing to ourselves the joy of heaven. We have not come to earth to get ourselves noticed or applauded at all cost. Whatever talents and gifts nature has granted us, it is the approval of the Divine we must seek before all else. And we will only gain it if we are able to express something that will awaken beings to truth and light.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
