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Daily Meditation: Friday, June 1, 2012

Gestures and words - we can imbue them with magical power

The mineral world is characterized by its immobility. Trees grow, but they remain attached to the soil. Animals move about, and some can perform a great variety of movements, but their movements are dictated by instinct. Only human beings, endowed as they are with consciousness, are able to control their movements and give them meaning. So each gesture we make and each word we say can have a resonance on the spiritual plane. Often, concentrating, meditating or praying is not enough; to awaken the powers of the spirit we need a starting point on the physical plane. And this can be a gesture or a spoken word. Gestures and spoken words always have magical power; through them we set up invisible currents, which contribute to the creation of matter.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
