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Daily Meditation: Thursday, October 9, 2014

Entities (dark) - when we succeed in conquering them in ourselves, we have more strength to defeat them externally

Our weaknesses, like our qualities, are living entities that have taken hold in us. As we continually make efforts to improve ourselves, the dark entities are forced to leave us, because they cannot breathe our inner atmosphere. They cannot bear the purity and the light we are trying to fill ourselves with, and they take flight. But once outside, they seek new homes by entering into other people, and then they try to harm us through these people. You might say, ‘But what is the point of driving the entities away if they are going to continue to pursue us?’ Actually, the harm they cause is less than when they dwelled within us, and since we have defeated these enemies inside us, we have more strength to defeat them on the outside. Will we ever be completely rid of them? No; for as long as we will be on earth, there will be difficulties and opponents for us to confront. But there are methods for dealing with that.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
