Daily Meditation: Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Eating - is one thing, nourishing ourselves another
Each day, our food provides us with elements that are essential to our life. But to fully benefit from these, not only must we be aware of what the act of eating means for our health, we must also work with our thoughts. As we take a mouthful of food, we can concentrate on wisdom, then continue with patience, justice, love, purity, humility, gratitude, and so on. Those who are content to eat to satisfy their hunger absorb only the material part of the food, so they deprive themselves of all the subtle elements that could support their psychic life. Eating is one thing, nourishing ourselves another. In food there are particles of life it is only possible to pick up through mental concentration. If you practise, you will strengthen your psyche: not only will you be able to tackle your everyday tasks better, but you will also become more sensitive to the manifestations of divine life.
Omraam Mikhael AivanhovBuy
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