Daily Meditation: Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Diversity among human beings - makes life rich and beautiful
Life is created through an oscillation between opposing forces or situations. This is a law that applies to all fields. For instance, the abundance and variety of riches on the surface of our planet are due to the fact that this surface is not flat, with many different levels ranging from high summits to the depths of the land and sea. The diversity in climate, flora, fauna, and so on, from which, to some extent, stems the diversity of civilizations, arises from the fact that the surface of the earth is not level and that is wonderful. Human beings should not be all on the same level either. Why? So there may be a great circulation of fruitful exchanges between them. The one thing they should have in common is a high ideal,* the desire always to go forward in love and in the light. For the rest, let differences remain. It is those differences that make their lives so rich and beautiful.
Omraam Mikhael AivanhovBuy
- ‘Without being…
- Aïn Soph Aur (f…
- Angelic entitie…
- Anxiety
- Atmosphere
- Beginning, the
- Body and soul
- Body, the human
- Changes
- Christianity
- Clairvoyance
- Connections
- Cosmic collecti…
- Create, the nee…
- Creation
- Cries
- Discernment
- Dog-eat-dog wor…
- Doing what is r…
- Drunkenness
- Elohim, the
- Eternal philoso…
- Evil
- Evolution
- Evolution, huma…
- Exchanges
- Faculties, spir…
- Fate
- Food
- Formula
- Freedom
- Freedom, inner
- Gifts and facul…
- Gratitude
- Hardships of li…
- Harm, the
- Harmony, univer…
- Head
- Health
- Higher and lowe…
- How we see othe…
- Images
- Initiatic schoo…
- Inner enemy
- Inner world
- Instinct and in…
- Intellect
- Intuition
- Invisible world
- Joy
- Judgments
- Knowing oneself
- Knowledge, init…
- Laziness
- Letter
- Likes and disli…
- Lower nature, t…
- Malkuth to Tiph…
- Man created in …
- Medicine
- Meditation
- Messages from h…
- Morality
- Mother
- Music
- Nakedness
- Nature
- Number 2
- Obedient child
- Opponents
- Original sin
- Path to salvati…
- Pleasure
- Possessions, ma…
- Power
- Presence of the…
- Protection of h…
- Purity
- Renunciation
- Right path
- Science, religi…
- Self
- Sense of wonder
- Sensitivity
- Serpent, astral
- Silence
- Soul
- Soul and spirit
- Spiritual eleme…
- Spiritual Maste…
- Summit
- Symbolic forms
- Tarot card 14: …
- Temptations
- Thumb
- Virtues
- Weaknesses and …
- Words
- ‘Be perfect as …
- ‘Have salt in y…