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Daily Meditation: Friday, June 22, 2012

Disciples - the sacrifices to which a Master must consent for their sake

A spiritual Master makes an enormous sacrifice when he agrees to teach others, because it costs him a great deal of time and energy which he could be devoting to his own development. You may say, ‘But hasn’t he already completed his work?’ He may have completed a certain amount of work, but there are always higher levels to reach, greater light and greater powers to acquire. And as his time is constantly taken up with his disciples, he no longer has as much free time for his own activities. And even with the work he has undertaken to do with his disciples, a Master must show patience. Sometimes, he pauses a moment to wait for them, but he never turns back. When the disciples rejoin him, he is happy and sets off once more to take them higher. But again, he has to stop… When he is tempted to pursue his own route alone, his heart whispers to him, ‘Be more patient; wait a little.’ And if he decides to be strict, his heart very soon urges him to be lenient.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
