Daily Meditation: Sunday, June 1, 2014
Beginnings and endings - how they interact
Whatever you undertake, endeavour to begin it well, because the way in which a process unfolds will depend on how you made your mark at the start. But you also have to consider that if you want to be able to start well, you must have finished the previous task correctly. This principle applies in all fields. So, when you begin something, make sure you maintain the same care and attention right to the end. And when you meet people for the first time and form new friendships, be vigilant then too, to ensure that what began with smiles, warm words, presents and kisses does not end in confrontation. On the physical plane you might think you have put an end to an enterprise or a relationship. It’s over, whether it was good or bad. But in the invisible nothing is ever over. The way you dealt with a matter will affect your future encounters and ventures.
Omraam Mikhael AivanhovBuy
- Alternation
- Androgyne
- Angelic hierarc…
- Artist
- Bible
- Birth on the ph…
- Breathing
- Changes
- Children
- Christ
- Concentration
- Cosmic collecti…
- Creation
- Cross, the
- Devil
- Differences bet…
- Discouragement
- Diver, deep-sea
- Elohim, the
- Enemies
- Esteem of heave…
- Fig tree, barre…
- Friendship
- Gems
- Gifts
- Good, the
- Grail cup
- Gratitude
- Greeting, Raisi…
- Guide, spiritua…
- Head
- Helping humans
- Higher and lowe…
- Higher self, th…
- Horse
- Influences
- Initiates
- Initiatic schoo…
- Inner enemy
- Inner vision
- Intuition
- Joy
- Joy, the
- Knowing oneself
- Kundalini
- Land
- Life
- Life, material …
- Liner
- Love
- Master
- Men
- Moderation
- Morality and re…
- Nakedness
- Negative states
- New conditions
- Nourishment
- One and zero
- Opponents
- Ordeal, an
- Patience
- Peace
- Perfume, wearin…
- Philosopher’s s…
- Plans
- Possessions, ma…
- Prayer
- Predestination,…
- Present, the
- Principles, mas…
- Remorse
- Saving
- Scent
- Scientific trut…
- Snail
- Social climbing
- Soul, human
- Spiritual life
- States, negativ…
- Sulphur, mercur…
- Summit
- Teaching, spiri…
- Temptations
- Thoughts, feeli…
- Tomorrow
- Truth
- Unity
- Universe
- Vigilance
- Virtues
- Vocation
- Voice of heaven
- Waiting
- Warnings
- Wolf
- Work
- ‘Be perfect as …
- ‘I am the light…
- ‘The Father and…