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Result: 'Spirit and matter' (11)

Daily meditationsMatter tends towards the spirit; it wants to rise to meet it, in order to become purer and more subtle. And, conversely, the spirit descends towards matter in order to incarnate and manifest through it. In this way, the beloved departs to meet her ...
Daily meditationsNo matter where we investigate nature, we will never find spirit seeking to become free of matter. On the contrary; since the origin of creation, spirit has shown that it needs matter. Why? Because it needs to transform matter, to purify it and make ...
Daily meditationsMatter is inert and formless, and spirit, by coming down and entering it, gives it life and shapes it. This is a process that can be seen everywhere in nature in many different ways. Spirit comes down to animate matter – this is involution – and ...
Daily meditationsPause from time to time during the day, and analyse yourself to see which is taking precedence in you – spirit or matter. We cannot avoid the hold matter has over us: we all have a physical body that needs to eat, drink, take exercise, relax and ...
Daily meditationsThe two principles of spirit and matter appear to be in conflict, but in reality they work together to serve life. And while the principle of matter develops, day in, day out, expanding its territory in humans, the spirit, which does not remain ...
Daily meditationsSpirit and matter… This is an endless question, since spirit and matter appear in many different forms: as masculine and feminine, positive and negative, emissive and receptive, heaven and earth. Nothing is more important than these two principles – ...
Daily meditationsThe origin of all imbalance is the lack of balance that exists between spirit and matter. It is this lack of balance that brings in its wake all the other kinds of anomaly we see in existence. Spirit and matter are two poles, two principles which ...
Daily meditationsMatter tends towards the spirit; it wants to rise to meet it, in order to become purer and more subtle. And, conversely, the spirit descends towards matter in order to incarnate and manifest through it. In this way, the beloved departs to meet her ...
Daily meditationsThe marriage of spirit and matter, of heaven and earth, is celebrated every day throughout the universe. So, be sure you are invited to take part in the festivities given by the heavenly Father (the spirit) and the divine Mother (matter), who are ...
Daily meditationsThe marriage of spirit and matter, of heaven and earth, is celebrated every day throughout the universe. So, be sure you are invited to take part in the festivities given by the heavenly Father (the spirit) and the divine Mother (matter), who are ...
Daily meditationsIt is a mistake to believe, as some thinkers do, that only matter exists, that everything is material... With knowledge of the respective roles of the two principles, masculine and feminine, it is easy to understand that in reality, matter (the ...